Tag Archives: organic valley

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities.

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. I.

exactly one year after the fire at the organic valley headquarters, we re-opened the rebuilt section of the building. hurray! and a few days after that cosmos organicos garden collective was in the garden preparing beds and planting. it’s great to get out and get your hands dirty and even more so when you’re doing it in the “shadow” of a rebuilt headquarters ( big shout-out to everyone who made it happen )!

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. II.

working in the healthy organic soil you find lots of friends like this toad and many, many earthworms.

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. III.

and even more fun – one of the collective found a four leaf clover! which got me to wondering what are the odds? turns out, it’s about 1 in 10,000 clovers which is a square of 100×100 clovers. assuming there are about 4 clovers in an inch, that’s a square of 33″x33″ or almost 3’x3′. so in every 3 foot square you should find a 4 leaf clover. that sounds relatively trivial, but the way my eyes work, i’ll never find the four leaf clover. they all look the same. the odds of me actually finding a 4 leaf clover in a 3 foot patch are small.

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. IV.

odin helped out in the garden which is always fun and reminded me of just how many years he’s been toiling away in our garden plot, since well before the formation of the collective! in fact, i think that yellow wheel barrow is the same from the photos taken five years ago. it’s amazing how time flies.

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. V.

work break! don’t tell The Suits odin was running around on the roof of the tool shed. haha. just kidding. there are no suits.

day 3505: hanging out with the cosmos organicos garden collective contemplating probabilities. VI.

amazingly enough, just a bit after finding a a four leaf clover the same person found a five leaf clover! this hurts my brain a bit. the odds of finding it are about 1 in 1,000,000 clovers which is a square of about 1,000×1,000 clovers which is about 333″x333″ or 27’x27′. so that’s a manageable amount of search space but still, IT’S A MILLION CLOVERS! i mean, the actual odds of me picking put a 5 leaf clover out of a million clovers is nill. nada. zip. and yet i’m working side by side with someone who can do it like it’s a parlor trick.

i asked him how he does it.

“i dunno, the irregularity sticks out.”

so we’ve got a four and five leaf clover finding savant in the collective. my question is what are the odds of finding a 4 leaf clover and then a 5 leaf clover? it feels like a similar calculating the odds of rolling two successive yahtzees in two rolls but how do you factor in the visual heuristic?

Everything is Awesome!

Everything is Awesome!

i very much enjoyed a 100% organic lunch delivered from organic valley HQ thanks to a new delivery service. i haven’t had a lunch like this since being relocated after the fire ( there’s no on-site kitchen at our new digs ).

tater tot casserole, mind bending chocolate pudding goodness and a chocolate chip cookie – ’cause that’s how i roll.

seriously, if you’re ever visiting organic valley ask if there’s any chocolate pudding around. it’s incredible. it all starts with the best ingredients and a dash of love 🙂

btw, i’m not denigrating the local faire, so much as i’m making an observation about the spectacular awesomeness of the folks in our kitchen.

thank you all.

my first attempt at creating a refreshing chocolate soda actually creates an exploding chocolate volcano.

as usual, after a 10 mile run of course i have some organic valley chocolate milk on hand for my refueling needs.

only this time, i think, hey, how about making a nice, refreshing chocolate soda with my sodastream. the folks at sodastream even have a recipe, but that recipe involves mixing carbonated water with chocolate milk and i thought, “why water it down? why not just fill it up all the way and carbonate it!”

turns out, the reason you don’t do that is it creates a spectacular exploding chocolate volcano!

you can briefly see me carbonating the chocolate milk in this clip but i attempted to to shoot the video just as it reached full pressure and chocolate foam started comign out of the top of the container. i dropped the phone, loosened the bottle, and boom! chocolate milk everywhere.

the aftermath does no justice to how far and wide the chocolate milk went.

try and try again….

day 3432: odin scores his first field notes notebook!

day 3432: odin scores his first field notes notebook! I.

i ordered some fresh field notes. it’s been awhile since we’ve had any in the house. too long. one of my renewed commitments is to make sure i’m supporting people and brands that i really want to support ( see also supporting thinkup ) and life’s too short to be taking notes in crappy little notebooks.

day 3432: odin scores his first field notes notebook! II.

so we’ve got six new drink local notebooks in the house because, well, i love the field notes brand and the people behind the brand, and i’m not gonna lie i really wanted a couple of the letterpress coasters.

day 3432: odin scores his first field notes notebook! III.

one will go in the galaxie 500 to record mileage and oil changes and the dates of repairs i can never remember, and one will go by the window by the kitchen table so we can record the weather and the birds we see visiting the feeder and one will go by the landline to record voicemails and whatnot ( yes we have a landline ) and a few will go out to work because it seems to me that if you’re the brand manager for a farmer-owned cooperative it just makes sense to record your thoughts in field notes ( appropriately enough one will probably be sitting next to this lunchbox ).

day 3432: odin scores his first field notes notebook! IV.

what i didn’t anticipate – but should have – given his love of writing down his thoughts is that odin would be very keen on taking a few ( i.e. all ) of the notebooks for his own use.

odin: “hey, those look great. can i have them?”

me: “uuuuuhhhh. i was really planning on these using these around the house and at work.”

odin: “oooooh, c’mon! i can have at least one, right?”

me: “o.k. one will be fine for now. we’ll order more. pick one.”

i secretly hope he doesn’t pick the red “amber” notebook because i like the color as it slowly dawns on me that i’m giving him the option of choosing a notebook dedicated to a style of beer and wonder if he’s going to take it to school.

gah. he chose amber. now i’m thinking i have to order some winter editions and swap them out on the chance he wants to use it for notes at school 🙂

finding a new home for the old me.

finding a new home for the old me. I.

for over a year this photo of me has been hanging in the organic valley headquarters near the coffee station where i used to get coffee every day before the fire. the photo was taken right before i started running again, before i ran clear across the country and before i lost 110 pounds. so, it’s a good reminder to not let that happen again.

a little birdy told me that the picture was coming down to make way for a new one, so i thought i’d proactively “steal” the picture and put it somewhere where it might be appreciated.

but where?

finding a new home for the old me. II.

i knew i wanted to put it up in our post fire work digs in westby but i couldn’t put it up in my office because, well, that’d be weird, right?

aha – i found the perfect spot in our executive marketing director’s office! i just know lewis would really enjoy having me looking down on him at his desk.

and if he ever wonders what do to, he can now just look up and ponder, “hmmm, what would eric do?”

frida surveys the splendor of the cosmos organicos garden plot.

frida surveys the splendor of the cosmos organicos garden plot. I.

we’re still harvesting the bounty from the labors of the cosmos organicos garden collective so frida had her first chance to survey the splendor!

you can see ongoing work after the fire on the organic valley headquarters in the background. hopefully when we plant next year all the work will be done!

frida surveys the splendor of the cosmos organicos garden plot. II.

you see this face? that’s frida being super happy that i won’t let her about and half eat all the bell peppers while i’m trying ot pick them 🙂