it’s aaaaaallllll for odin 🙂
the lego movie is turning into yearly tradition. every time we watch it we pick up on subtleties missed in prior viewings.
it’s aaaaaallllll for odin 🙂
the lego movie is turning into yearly tradition. every time we watch it we pick up on subtleties missed in prior viewings.
“The Chagossian people have a word, in their Creole language, for heartbreak: sagren. It is a profound sorrow which refers to the loss of a home, and the impossibility of returning to it. As we build new worlds with our technologies, knitted from fiber-optic light and lines of code, it is incumbent on us to ensure it does not reproduce the erasures and abuses of the old, but properly accounts for the rights and liberties of every one of us.” citizen-ex
we learned last year that when you have the chance to watch treehouse movie you really should take it because the chances go by fast what with crazy schedules, inclement weather and summer zooming right along. so tonight we watched big hero 6, with odin some buddies and their parents. and yes, we had homemade popcorn and movie theater candy because IT’S IN THE TREEHOUSE MOVIE THEATER RULE BOOK!
what a sweet, sweet movie. A++. highly recommended whether or not you have a treehouse deck and an 11 foot movie screen 🙂
i was proud to be part of the launch of organic valley’s 100% grass-fed, non-homogenized grassmilk in 2012 and have been even prouder to watch it grow in popularity ( if told me 10 years ago that i’d get interviewed by the wall street journal over milk, i’d have thought you were crazy. ).
ever since we launched the milk people have asked us to make yogurt. we heard you! whole milk, cream on top. two flavors – plain and vanilla. made with nothing but milk and cultures ( and a bit of fair trade vanilla and sugar in the vanilla ). it’s really, really, really good. but don’t just take my word for it. i brought a few tubs from the first production run and odin and his cousin evelyn broke into them when i was at work the next day. when i came home they excitedly exclaimed how awesome the yogurt was and that it was their faaaaavorite yogurt EVAR ( not joking. it was a completely unsolicited product review. ). also, they demanded i bring home more tubs because they nearly finished the one i brought home 🙂
i couldn’t be prouder of the product team who knocked it out of the park in developing a stellar product and the farmers and the cows for providing delicious, 100% grass-fed milk.
you should start seeing at whole foods and natural foods stores and select grocery stores soon. if not, ask for it! we’re waiting for it to through distribution and on shelves to make a big announcement but i see people tweeting about it so i thought it was fair game to give a sneak peak 🙂
“at least it’s not a nipple fissure!”
i have about a 120 feet of ditch lilies that a previous homeowner planted along our driveway. sure they’re purty ( sort of ) but i’d love to remove them and plant trellised grapes in their place. my understanding is they keep coming baaaaaaaaack.
anyone have any suggestions for non chemical-intensive ways to get rid of them?