Tag Archives: treehouse movie theater

day 4417: the treehouse movie theater showing of star wars, the force awakens!

day 4417:  the treehouse movie theater showing of star wars, the force awakens! I.

saw star wars: the force awakens with odin and some of his friends. the way our summers work this might be one of the last movies we get to see on the treehouse deck this year?! crazy! so we have to make the most of it while we can.

day 4417:  the treehouse movie theater showing of star wars, the force awakens! II.

you can’t have a movie without some candy!

kris: “can you get some candy for the treehouse movie? but don’t get too much.”

me: “okaaaaaaay”

a thought while preparing for tonight’s treehouse movie theater showing of the original ghostbusters.

a thought while preparing for tonight’s treehouse movie theater showing of the original ghostbusters.

between the treehouse movie theater, the finnish sauna ( building on left ), the fire pit, and The Girls ( chicken coop on right ), i bet when i finally build the hobbit house treehouse on top of the deck, it will have serious airbnb potential.

i think there are a lot of people who would like a weekend of treehouse movies, saunas and tending to The Girls with the freshest breakfast eggs you can imagine! just kidding. sort of.

oh nothing, just power washing the treehouse movie theater deck, as one does ( also, black locust lumber is amazing ).

oh nothing, just power washing the treehouse movie theater deck, as one does ( also, black locust lumber is amazing ).

getting ready for another season of movies on the treehouse deck! this is the third season of the treehouse movie theater and i continue to marvel at the durability and beauty of black locust lumber. it’s not treated with anything and after a power washing it looks as good as the day i picked it up from a local amish sawyer.

i think this is the year to build an actual treehouse on the treehouse movie theater deck. i wanted to wait to see how the lumber withstood the elements before building a treehouse on the deck. it passed the test.

i still kind of can’t believe i built a 14 foot by 16 foot deck around two trees 15 feet in the air! and it hasn’t come crashing down after years of 40mph winds with both trees swaying independently.

how the heck did a crazy windstorm do this to the treehouse movie theater screen?

how the heck did a crazy windstorm do this to the  treehouse movie theater screen?

first, some detail might be in helpful. the 11’x5’ treehouse movie theater screen hangs off the 2nd floor of the house and is attached at the top to the house soffit. there’s a 10 pound piece of metal conduit in a hem on the bottom of the screen to keep it even and flat. support ropes are linked to clamps that are attached to the bar to keep the bar from banging against the house when it gets windy.

recently, we had a couple days and nights with crazy winds and on one of those nights we could hear the treehouse movie theater screen banging against the side of the house. great. the winds were so strong they snapped the support lines on the bottom of the screen. but there was nothing to be done in the dark during 40mph gusts so we settled in for a night of listening to the banging.

but then it stopped. “huh.” i thought. “i guess the screen must have ripped apart and fallen down entirely.”

not exactly. somehow a gust of wind got in the foot of so space between the screen and house and whipped it onto the roof and over the drain waste vent?! you can sort of see the metal conduit that runs along the bottom of the screen in this photo and how it had to make it up and over the vent.

it might be hard to visualize but if hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, i wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

i have to admit, lacking a 30 foot ladder, it took some time to figure out how to get myself perched on what is probably the most inaccessible section of our roof to try to get the bar back over the vent. i’m looking down on the treehouse movie theater deck which itself is 15 feet off the ground.