All posts by snowdeal

268/365. fired up the old ford and took her to stretch out.

268/365. fired up the old ford and took her to stretch out.

for some reason i only just remembered that the galaxie 500 turns 50 this year! i can’t believe i almost forgot such an important birthday!

so i fired her up ( started right up, of course, even after sitting for a year. she old reliable. ), cleaned her up and took her to stretch out ( aka blowing out the carbon ).

they, literally, don’t me ‘em like they used to. so much fun winding her out with the three-on-the-tree.

266/365. ’tis the season for hockey rink setup.

266/365. ’tis the season for hockey rink setup.

a sign that fall will be soon upon us! getting the rink prepared for ice on october 26th. i’ve been helping for a few years and yet i always forget how much work it is.

laying down the cooling lines and setting up the boards while praying i’m not the guy who pinches a line and causes a leaker because i’m pretty sure the other guys who have been doing this since time began will mock me endlessly in a mostly good natured way.

264/365. a side effect of having taken latin in college.

264/365. a side effect of having taken latin in college.

i look at the red, ornate blooms on the roses i bought kris for our 17+7 year wedding anniversary ( I KNOW! YOU NEVER SUSPECTED I COULD BE SUCH A TRADITIONALIST! ) and i hear a professorial voice in my head say, ”floridus!” which in latin means, “blooming, flowery” and the root of the english word florid which is an adjective with a primary meaning of “having a red appearance” and a secondary meaning of “elaborate or excessively intricate”.

263/365. life as a jetta TDI owner after dieselgate.

263/365. life as a jetta TDI owner after dieselgate. I.

i’ve been happily driving jetta diesels for 15 years. i have a lot of words i could say after dieselgate but maybe the most pertinent are “never buying another volkswagen” ( insert epic rant here that i don’t have time to write ).

perhaps the only solace i can personally take is that we’ve only been driving a polluter for about a year and the diesels we drove previously appears to have not skirted the emissions laws.

i hope the EPA fines them the reported maximum, $18 billion and we use the money to invest in pedestrian infrastructure ( probably not going to happen, but hey we can dream a little dream, right? ).

i was leaving work and found this tucked under the windshield. i’m pretty sure it was meant as a lighthearted joke but the reality of the environmental impact of dieselgate is no laughing matter.

263/365. life as a jetta TDI owner after dieselgate. II.

as i hopped into the car, i got a text message from a friend in michigan. sigh. i had conversations with several current owners of TDIs that aren’t buying another one no matter what the company does and several people who didn’t own one but were considering buying and are now not going to. i think the long term implications for diesels in the US in general and vw in particular will be devastating. apple couldn’t have asked for better timing of a scandal as they accelerate their efforts to build an electric car as current TDI owners like myself, er, ride out their payment plans.

262/365. We Got The Beet! (TM).

262/365. We Got The Beet! (TM). I.

i am so loving the spicy beets with grassmilk yogurt and caraway sauce i made yesterday. i took it to work and got generally positive reviews and quite a few usage suggestions.

it totally works as a topping for a burger ( in this case, an olive and swiss ). and yes, you can also dunk it in fries.

although it can be eaten and enjoyed all by itself as a savory yogurt, it’s really a multifunctional, vaguely mediterranean, spicy sauce analogous to sriracha sauce.

as a brand manager, i think it needs an identity more interesting than “spicy beets with grassmilk yogurt and caraway sauce”, befitting of its festive red color and spicy attitude. how about “We Got The Beet!”? i guess i should look into what it would take 262/365. We Got The Beet! (TM). II.

the possibilities are endless. cut it with some olive oil for a spicy beet yogurt vinaigrette. it was lovely on a roasted beet salad with feta cheese and toasted walnuts.