playing the next to the last game of the season on a chilly saturday morning, odin’s team started the 4th quarter down 2-4 but kept it together and rallied to finish 6-4! that puts them at 5 wins and 2 losses for the season which i think might be one of the best records in the league. i’m really impressed with how well they’ve been playing as a team with lots of passing. and all without any yelling from their coach ( seriously one of the quietest and nicest coaches, i’ve seen in soccer or any other sport ).
i can’t believe soccer is almost over it seems like it just started. just in time though, since hockey season starts this week so can trade sitting on cold soccer fields with sitting in cold hockey arenas 🙂

team photo after an early morning game in chilly fall temps. they lost 3-1 but if they played the first half like the second half they maybe could have won.
and yes, i’m being That Guy. i think it’s generally considered bad form to take a photograph of the official team photo being taken but we bought a print so i don’t feel so bad about stealing revenue. but there’s still the fact that maybe i distracted a couple of the kids. i trust the photog took a few extra shots to compensate. 🙂

only his second game playing goalie and he played the whole game and stopped all the shots on goal which helped the team win 2-0!
after the game he got a lot of “great job!” and high fives from teammates which he appreciated.

odin has been playing soccer for a few years and most of that time has been as right or left fullback which he enjoys but he’s mentioned that he would like to give the goalie position a try.
the good news is that today he got his chance. the bad news was that it was against a very tough team 🙂
he stopped more goals that he let by and kept the other team out of double digits. maybe he has the goalie mentality because when the game was over he said he had a lot of fun even thought the other team was really good and would love to do it again.

odin’s team beat river valley 1-0!
he loves playing with his contact lenses in and not having to worry about getting his glasses knocked off his face. he’s always been good at defense but i think the contacts give him just a little more confidence to get in and get the ball. maybe that’s why he played defense the entire game and didn’t come out once 🙂
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