my motivation isn’t synthetic. and now, neither is my recovery shake 🙂
26 grams of protein never tasted so good. also, lactose free.
yes i’m an organic valley brand manager so i’m a bit of a partisan, but i really do love this stuff and so does odin – so much so that we have a bit of trouble keeping it stocked in the house!
if you’ve ever made a product then you know how hard it is to go from the idea to an actual thing without making compromises along the way. if it were easy to make a great tasting, organic, high protein recovery shake with a short ingredient list and no words you can’t pronounce, then somebody would have done it already. i couldn’t be prouder of the super team who made this A Real Thing.

we’re still getting it stores, so if you’re interested tell your local, favorite store you’d love to have it on the shelf. if you have a whole foods or ncga coop nearby there’s a good chance you’ll find it there. also available via amazon fresh and fresh direct. of course, you can always check our product locator for more locations.
if you try it, i’d love to hear what you think.