Tag Archives: odin

day 2431: the tooth fairy will be visiting odin tonight!

sure enough, less than a week after i wrote that we were in The Final Days of Having All The Baby Teeth, odin excitedly came in our room very early in the morning to excitedly inform us that he HAD LOST HIS TOOTH!

i tried to explain what a “bittersweet” moment was while making the morning coffee but he was far more interested in pondering what tooth fairy might be bringing him.

“probably a tooth brush. maybe a coin.”

me thinks, a pretty good guess.

we both agreed that his baby tooth sure seemed fit for a baby’s mouth and not at all the proper sized tooth for his big mouth. or something like that 🙂

it wouldn’t be A Proper Day in the snowdeal home without some Added Excitement and today was no exception. at some point while getting ready for school, odin misplaced his tooth and after searching high and low many, many, many! times we were so convinced that we were never going to find the tooth that we decided to write a note to the tooth fairy explaining the situation and hoping that she would have special tooth sensing powers, find it and still leave a little something under the pillow.

just literally moments before bedtime, almost as on queue ( but not really ), mama The Master Finder did indeed find the tooth lying on top of a copy of, ironically ( i think ), “I Spy A-to-Z”.

so we safely put the tooth in a special little box to be tucked under his pillow. maybe – just maybe – he’ll sleep a few winks and miss the tooth fairy’s visit.

day 2426: The Final Days of Having All The Baby Teeth.

at out last snowdeal family visit to the dentist, we were informed that while they were almost imperceptively loose then, odin did indeed have some loose baby teeth and we should expect a visit from the tooth fairy Real Soon. apparently they weren’t kidding around because odin recently showed us by excitedly wiggling them with his tongue that he has not one, not two but three loose teeth!

while it’s all very exciting, the thought of him loosing his baby teeth is, of course, a bit bitterweet what with all the impending changes for his mouth and face as he loses his boyish features to make room for his Big Boy Teeth. we’ve been on constant watch and i’ve been quite certain each and every morning that it will be his last with a mouth full of baby teeth. and yet, they keep hanging on.

being the sentimentalist that i am, i thought it best to try and capture a few moments of his mouth full of baby teeth one morning when i was quite certain he’d lose at least one over breakfast.

he was, at first, not so interested in cooperating with providing a toothy smile.

when i said i wanted to see his teeth, this is not what i had in mind.

i guess that more like what i had in mind. sort-of.

now that’s more like it, although you might be able to tell this is his “i’m annoyed now would you quit taking pictures” smile 🙂

day 2425: The Last of The Eggnog.

after making eggnog pots de creme and eggnog cupcakes ( one of which santa enjoyed ), i couldn’t quite come to peace with the impending end of organic valley eggnog season so i picked up a few quarts from the very last production run with Very Big Plans to whip up some recipe or another which i never got around to whipping up.

so, it’s been “ageing” in our fridge and has now reached the point where It Must Be Consumed. as you might imagine it wasn’t very difficult to convince odin that we simply had to chug a few glasses and dunk a couple of cookies.

um, yeah, he’s not at all excited.

The Dunking of the Cookie is an exacting science, requiring just the right amount of soaking to saturate the cookie without causing it to break off and sink into the glass of eggnog.

oh, noes! the cookie almost crumbles! two hands are required for the rescue.

and, inexplicably, i failed to capture the consuming. rest assured, it was savored.

day 2417: almost done with another season of cross country skiing lessons.

sigh. it’s hard to believe odin’s second season of cross country skiing is rapidly coming to a close and i haven’t even taken any pictures!

lots of fun times out at the snowflake ski club with friends and i’m sure we’ll be back again next year.

for a walk down memory lane check out his first day last year, one of my shots making the westby times, a few random scenes and his last day of skiing last year.

it looks like odin’s trying to take “center stage” but really he almost fell over 🙂

action shot – he has much better form than his old man!

soren is so good he doesn’t even need any poles.

as the sun sets it’s time for some post-workout stretches!

day 2416: odin’s first moss terrarium!

thanks to a workshop put on by the fine folks at tulips boutique, odin made his very first moss terrarium today.

while a terrarium is super cool all on it’s own, this one is all the more cooler because he got to make a snail out of glow-in-the-dark clay!

he was laughing because he thought i looked pretty funny when he looked through the glass jar. little did he know…

day 2413: first day of gymnastics!

in keeping with our tradition of having odin sample a wide range of “organized” sports to see what he likes and doesn’t like ( hard to believe he’s already tried hockey, swimming, cross country skiing, tennis tee ball and soccer ), today was his first day of gymnastics!

i don’t know why it took so long to get him enrolled given his love of running, jumping, swinging and hanging. i guess maybe he’s just been too busy trying everything else.

swimming and cross country skiing have been his favorites so far, but after having a go on the parallel bars and balance beam, i think he’s found a new love.

day 2387: one of The Girls is feeling under the weather.

well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. it appears that one of The Girls, a barred rock isn’t feeling well. when she took food out the coop at sunset, kris noticed she was standing with her beak in the corner of the coop, uninterested in feast which is quite unusual.

upon closer inspection we noticed her eyes were nearly closed and she was shaking and shivering. she’s not sneezing and her breathing sounds normal – not raspy – and she doesn’t have any mucous around her eyes or diarrhea so i don’t think she has a virus. or at least she’s not showing the typical signs of a virus.

even though it’s wasn’t as cold today as it has been in past weeks we thought perhaps she just got cold, so we brought her in the house to get warmed up.

of course, odin is Very Concerned about her health and sat with her petting her and telling her to rest and Get Better Soon.

she looked rather pathetic when she first came inside but eventually she opened her eyes and looked less, well, floppy than she does in this photo.

i can’t find much information on shivering hens that lack any other symptoms. most of the advice seems to be to along the lines of what we’re already doing – bring them inside, warm them up and try to get them to drink and eat. we made her some hot porridge with cracked corn which The Girls usually devour but even hours later she’s disinterested in it and actively refusing water even if we try to give it to her with an eye dropper.

i’m not sure what else to do. any advice is mightily appreciated.

update: 24 hours later and she’s still alive ( several people have told me privately that by the time they get to the shivering, shaking, no eating stage, more often than not they’ll be dead soon )!

she started slowly taking food and water this morning and she’s much more alert and less lethargic. she was so interested in not staying in her box and wandering around the house that we had to send her to the front porch. which was fortuitous move since she’s now expelling liquid diarrhea that’s really, really nasty smelling and not really brown – more like a clear-to-yellow viscous liquid.

all other signs except for the diarrhea are positive. maybe she’s just working through a stomach flu?