All posts by snowdeal

200/365. what’s the frequency, kenneth?

200/365. what’s the frequency, kenneth?

i run by a lot of utility poles in town and i’m almost certain that only one has this wireless device attached to it. i run by this particular utility pole more often than not and i think the device is new. or newish. i’m sure it has some non-conspiratorial, valid purpose and it’s going to drive me nuts until i find out. it has line of sight with a water tower that has other wireless antennas on it and the county jail so those are the ( perhaps red herring ) clues. any guesses? i doubt it’s wifi. some sort of dispatch unit?

and surely i don’t have to explain the title reference to you?

198/365. a pleasant refueling mistake on a 13 mile run.

198/365. a pleasant refueling mistake on a 13 mile run.

i was dragging it a bit on a 13 mile run and thought i could use some easy energy so i made a pitstop at the house and grabbed what i thought was a bottle of honey from the pantry. downed a tablespoon and thought, “oooooh what delicious artisan honey is this? and how did it get such strong vanilla notes?

i turned the bottle over. aaaahhhhh, not honey after all.

197/365. the last episode in my semi-occasional unpublished series of failed attempts to remove sap from the treehouse deck.

197/365. the last episode in my semi-occasional unpublished series of failed attempts to remove sap from the treehouse deck.

a sapsucker of some sort had gotten into the trees last year and the dripping sap created quite a mess on one corner of the treehouse deck that was really bumming me out. i tried many things to remove the sap – an orange peel based concoction that claimed to remove everything which it didn’t. mineral spirits. nope. turpentine. nada. ( all of the liquids i would let soak into the sap ). an electric pressure washer ( not sure of PSI but it’s a little wimpy ). nyet.

then a backyard neighbor said i should try his 2,400 PSI gas powered pressure washer. IT WORKS! IT WORKS! IT WORKS!

and as an added bonus is makes the beautiful black locust decking look brand new.

196/365. E.T. in the treehouse movie theater!

196/365. E.T. in the treehouse movie theater! I.

solid summer entertainment – hanging out on a 14’x16’ foot deck 15 feet in the air with odin, his cousin and his buddies and their parents ( it’s hard to tell but there are 10 of us on the deck ) watching E.T. on an 11 foot movie screen. still pretty much can’t believe it’s a thing that can happen.

196/365. E.T. in the treehouse movie theater! II.

people sometimes good naturedly ( i think ) rib me about why it’s taking so long to build the treehouse that’s supposed to go on the deck and this is a big part of the reason. it’s a ton of fun to sit up in the trees with friends and family and watch a movie and eat popcorn and candy 🙂

memories that will last a lifetime. some of which will probably be THE SUPER OVER THE TOP SPIELBERG HEARTSTRING YANKING MEMORIES!

195/365. they’re Friendly Girls but i ain’t kissin’ ‘em.

195/365. they’re Friendly Girls but i ain’t kissin' ‘em.

these two are so funny. whenever i enter into the chicken run they’re all super friendly and curious about whether or not i have any compost for them. the barred rock scatters and is all, “nope. NOPE. NOOOOOPE!” i think they even like to be pet, or at least they tolerate it but the CDC says no kissing or cuddling ( seriously gross )!