frida can sometimes be a bit of a seat hog but all things considered she’s an excellent travel buddy 🙂
All posts by snowdeal
216/365. evening attempt to stuff all the junk in the trunk.
215/365. Heliopsis helianthoides.
from the mystery-flower-around-our-yard dept. i think it’s a heliopsis helianthoides. certainly not the sunflower of jack in the beanstalkian proportions but pretty in it’s own way.
214/365. random thoughts during taco tuesday food prep.
“daaaaaang, that is a beautiful pile of shredded cheese.”
i think i probably should be embarrassed to admit that in public.
( ov raw sharp cheddar, of course. )
213/365. summertime food rules.
212/365. awesome – i found kris a mother’s day cookbook early this year!
kinda, sorta, strangely compelled to try the savory twinkie burger.