Tag Archives: 365project

49/365. chess great bobby fischer could solve the “15 puzzle” in 25 seconds.

49/365. chess great bobby fischer could solve the "15 puzzle" in 25 seconds.

i’m no bobby fischer 🙂

to put that in perspective, there are over half a trillion ( 15!/2 = 653,837,184,000 )
possible permutations
and half of all starting points are not solvable no matter how many permutations are tried! according to wikipedia he demonstrated his 15 puzzle prowess in 1972 on the tonight show, though sadly i can’t find a video.

also, the ernő rubik, inventor if the eponymous cube is said to have been inspired by the 15 puzzle which makes sense since it’s basically a 2D version of the cube.

we’ve had this think fun fifteen puzzle for years and it has been played with so many times by odin and us that the pieces feel smooth and well worn ( in a good way ). it’s just 2”x2” but weighs 3 oz and feels substantial and not chintzy in your hand.

47/365. the cute puzzle that has stolen our dining room table.

47/365. the cute puzzle that has stolen our dining room table.

i think it started something like this, “oh, look at the cuuuute gorilla holding a flower! let’s put the puzzle together. how hard can it be? It’s ooooonlyyyyy 750 pieces!”

we completely underestimated the challenge – months later and we still don’t have our dining room table back 🙂

we mostly eat at kitchen table so it’s not a huge loss but, still, probably should have a dedicated puzzle table.