Tag Archives: pizza

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin.

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. I.

after the race it was time to head off for a fun birthday day in madison, wisconsin. we started at the awesome dane county farmer’s market which is on the capitol square so we got to peruse the approximately 300 vendors and go in the capitol and hit the observation deck which offers an excellent view of the city.

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. II.

the perfect time for a gratuitous ( and rare ) family portrait!

as you can see i was wearing an organic valley coat so i got lots of questions about the fire at organic valley headquarters from concerned folks. lots of love and support in madison!

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. III.

the rotunda in the capitol building is pretty awesome. odin thought it was mighty impressive. i wish i could have figured out a way to take a better picture. i tried to take a panorama of the entire thing but it wouldn’t stitch together nicely, so you only get to see a small bit 🙂

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. IV.

i’d be lying if i said at this point odin wasn’t really ready to head out and see something other than statues and elaborate rotundas. see that smile? it’s a carefully crafted fake 🙂

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. V.

so, off to the madison children’s museum we went because while i might be getting old, i’m not too old to hang out with odin at a children’s museum where they have fun stuff like a giant hampster wheel that generates electricity for lights!

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. VI.

and some sort of crazy facial real time facial recognition exhibit…

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. VII.

and pinball, which take a lot of concentration especially when your poppi is taking pictures from funny angles…

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. VIII.

and a green rooftop with a chicken coop with a great quote from frank lloyd wright that i might have to steal and put on our own chicken coop for The Girls

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. IX.

they even had little chicks to pet. of course, odin has lots of practice calming baby chickens and grown hens thanks to tending to The Girls

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. X.

the baby chick was so content it eventually fell asleep in odin’s hands! the museum staff ladies were super impressed with his Chicken Calming Powers.

then, alas, it was time to go and we headed to a photography exhibit at madison museum of contemporary art but there was no cameras allowed. at a photography exhibit! boo!

Scenes from The Best Birthday. or how to have a great time in madison wisconsin. XI.

after the exhibit we went to pizza brutta for some of the best pizza in madison. i had the prosciutto with asiago cheese and arugula. highly recommended! kris and odin are more traditional in their pizza tastes and had pepperoni. odin said it was the best pizza he’d ever had which is very high praise indeed.

for some reason, i felt compelled to take a picture of the table sign instead of the food because i liked the colors, fonts, shadows and lines?!

and to cap off The Best Birthday, we went to chocolate shoppe ice cream for a scoop of butter pecan ice cream before heading home very full and very content.

’twas a fine day. odin said it was the best birthday he’d been to even though it wasn’t his birthday 🙂

the Most Awesome Pizza i have ever made, ever.

the Most Awesome Pizza i have ever made, ever.

it might look unassuming but this right here is a slice of the best pizza pie i have ever made in my entire life. if i were a better food writer i might be able to describe how all the flavors work awesometasticly perfectliciously together to create a symphonic explosion of taste.

prosciutto, salami, roasted garlic, green olives and caramelized onions on a thin sourdough crust.

if i were to do anything differently i’d have used semi-soft fresh mozzarella, but that’s hard to come by around these parts.

the recipe is a inspired riff on this caramelized onion & prosciutto pizza recipe by the pioneer woman.