Tag Archives: kris

the eric update – day 69: footie jammies! live strong! pulmicort?

day 69: cuddle time. I.

today was the kind of day where the big news was that eric wore big boy clothes with footies! we got the outfit from a friend of kris’ ( hi beth! ) who gave us a bunch of preemie clothes that have come in mighty handy.

while he’s been able to wear open-footed street clothes for a few weeks, the staff wanted to wait until he was even more stable before we bundled him in footie wear. i thought maybe he wouldn’t like having his feet covered, but he didn’t seem to mind it at all.

day 69: cuddle time. II.

you may have noticed that kris is wearing a yellow “live strong” band from the lance armestrong foundation.

our friends, adam and johanna ( yes, the same adam and johanna who seem to be travelling around the country and sending odin postcards. thanks! ), sent us almost too many bands to count because they thought the “live strong” motto was perfect for little odin. we think so too. we got the bands the other day and i was holding off taking a picture until i could properly “set up” a shot with all the bands surrounding eric, but kris foiled my evil plan.

at the end of the day, eric’s neonatal nurse practitioner told us that they were thinking of giving eric pulmicort to help give him a boost off his oxygen. we haven’t had any time to research the risks and benefits of pulmicort, so if anybody has any opinions, i’d like to hear them.

the eric update – day 67: closing in on four pounds. on quickly selecting a pediatrician.

day 67: sleepy time

thanks to his low hemoglobin levels and, well, the fact that he is a micropreemie who needs to spend all his energy growing, eric is spending much of his days acting a little listless and sleeping quite a bit. we received the results from his latest blood work and his hemoglobin level is now officially at the same point is was when they gave him his last series of transfusiona. when exactly he’ll get some more blood has become a great conversation topic, and it’s a sneaky way to get a sense for which nurses agree with the neonatologist’s course of action and which don’t. he’s holding out like a champ, although he’s “desatting” more and more, especially when he’s active, which makes feedings an endless series of alarms.

eric is continuing to add weight, thanks in no small part to the fortifier. to put things in perspective, he’s getting about 30 extra calories a day from his fortifier ( about 4 calories per ounce of milk are added ) and that small addition of calories is primarily responsible for his ounce-a-day weight gains. tonight he weighed in at 3 pounds 14.7 ounces or 1777 grams. if he keeps it up, i’ll be much more confident that we’ll be able to celebrate his hitting 4 pounds by his 10 week birthday on sunday.

day 67: three bottle feeds a day. I.

while it might be boring for you, poor reader, we aren’t quite bored with the fact that eric is doing such a great job taking his bottles. he’s up to three bottle feeds a day, with the remainder being done via a tube that goes straight to his stomach.

day 67: three bottle feeds a day. II.

when he’s tired, he’ll often feign like he’s not really interested in eating, but we know it’s all a big act and he inevitably drinks his entire bottle in 20 minutes or less. if all goes well, over the next week or so, we’ll be responsible for giving him all his feeds via a bottle, which will be quite exciting, indeed.

day 67: three bottle feeds a day. III.

after much nagging from the nicu staff, kris and i selected a pediatrician today! we are notorious for taking months to decide on something as simple as a new toaster, so picking a pediatrician could have been something that threw us into months of “analysis paralysis”. that is, if we actually had months to make the decision. but we didn’t, as the nicu nurses have been making it increasingly clear that they needed to start making arrangements with our pediatrician, like, yesterday. so we created a “short list” by asking all the staff who they would take their kids to and correlating the answers with the list of peds doctors in our insurance plan. we then scheduled “meet and greet” appointments and asked a few pointed questions, which led to a surprisingly quick decision.

the eric update – day 65: decreased nasal cannula flow. big feed strategies.

day 65: portal

today was yet another day tiny little steps of progress. first, eric had the rate of nasal cannula air flow turned down from 2 to 1.5 liters per minute. you might recall that the last time they turned down his flow, he started alarming often that the nicu staff thought he might have an infection. it’s amazing to see how differently he responded after only ten days. it’s even more amazing when you think about how much lower his hemoglobin levels compared to then ( he’s still due for another transfusion ), which means his oxygen carrying capacity should be lower, but his stronger lungs can more than make up the difference.

the fortifier seems to be working, as he put on another ounce and weighed in at 3 pounds 12 ounces or 1700 grams.

day 65:  eric's first "3 hour" bottle feeding. I.

eric completed the transition to three hour feeds appears to be tolerating the increase in feeding volume wonderfully. his first “3 hour” bottle feed was an enormous 36 cc meal and the nurses didn’t really expect him to take the whole thing down before getting too tired. but they were pleasantly surprised to be proven wrong. he drank the entire bottle in about 22 minutes!

day 65:  eric's first "3 hour" bottle feeding. II.

you’ll notice that we’re very aware of exactly how long it takes eric to eat. that’s because we have exactly 30 minutes to get him to take his food via a bottle. if he doesn’t get everything down in that time, then he’s “gavaged” ( the term for tube feeding ). the strict timing is due to the fact that you want him to have the most amount of time to fully digest his food before the next feeding; and the staff begin to get concerned about how many calories he’s burning while bottle feeding after a half an hour. it’s strange to think that the extra calories burned from being out of the isolette can make a big difference.

day 65:  eric's first "3 hour" bottle feeding. III.

so there’s a bit of strategy involved to get him to take all the food in the proper amount of time. one tactic is to switch his bottle nipple during his feeding to make it more or less difficult to get the milk. you can differentiate the nipple by the color of the plastic ring surrounding the nipple. a white ring indicates the most difficult and a red ring is the easiest, while peach is a medium difficulty nipple. we found that we had to use all three nipples during his feeding to make it easier for him to get milk as he got increasingly tired. why not just start with the “red” nipple? because if he’s not tired, he’ll get too much milk at once and gag.

who knew that feeding could be so complicated? that said, he’s doing fantastic and word spread quickly through the nicu that he was able to take his first “3 hour feed” bottle in the proper amount of time.

the eric update – day 64: first bottle feeding from pops! progress, the micropreemie way.

day 64: first bottle feeding from pops.  I.

in my continuing efforts to provide evidence that i am not one to shirk my fatherly duties, i’m happy to present photographic evidence that i am capable of feeding my son without drowning him or otherwise causing any grievous bodily harm. woohoo! perhaps due to my superior bottle feeding skills, he managed to make small work of the whopping 29 ounce cc ( d’oh! there’s a big difference between ounces and cc’s! ) feeding in about 12 minutes, with nary a burp or sign of reflux!

he’s looking right at the camera and it’s fun to imagine that he might be waving to his fans all over the world.

day 64: first bottle feeding from pops.  II.

we’re in much more cramped quarters these days since the move to the isolette and it’s rude to turn the overhead lights on when a baby might be sleeping just a few feet away. so kris, relents and decides to use the evil flash.

i like this picture because it shows that even though he’s getting big, he’s still quite small and it’s easy to hold him in one hand while i feed him with the other.

day 64:  moving to three hour feeds

eric has been getting fed every two hours, but today they decided that it was time to move to three hour feeds, as he’s been doing so well eating over the past few days.

when micropreemies are very small their stomachs can’t handle very much milk during feedings, so they feed them less milk more often. but as they get bigger, they can feed them larger volumes less frequently; so it’s a great sign that he’s transitioning into three hour feeds, and it’s yet another little, tiny step towards getting out of the nicu.

day 64:  sleepy time after feeding

in another bit of progress, micropreemie style, eric’s had his isolette temperature turned down from 30 degrees C to 29.3 degrees C which means he’s rapidly getting even better at holding keeping his body temrerature stable all by himself. when the isolette tempterature reaches room temperature ( about 26 degrees C ) and he approaches 1800 grams, then he’ll probably be ready to move to an open bed. tonight, eric gained an ounce and weighed in at 3 pounds 11.1 ounces or about 1675 grams, so it’s possible that he could hit the 1800 gram mark before the end of the week.

the eric update – day 62: a second gregorian birthday bath, bottle and balloon.

day 62: second gregorian birthday bath. I.

odin celebrated his second gregorian birthday today! even though you’ll likely be reading this a day after the fact, you can feel free to hum him a few bars of the birthday song, since tomorrow will be his nine week birthday. we like to find any ol’ reason to celebrate. we weighed in at 3 pounds 9.7 ounces or about 1636 grams. it’s fun to look back at his first gregorian birthday and see that he’s gained almost exactly a pound and a half.

day 62: second gregorian birthday bath. II.

eric got cleaned-up with a a birthday bath. while he’s tolerated his other baths quite well, for whatever reason, he decided that he was not impressed at all with this one and he squirmed and kicked and generally gave kris and nurse jan a run for their money.

day 62: second gregorian birthday bath. III.

but rather than posting a dozen pictures of him kicking and grimacing, i’ll commemorate the event with the one picture of him looking relatively calm.

day 62: second gregorian birthday bottle. I.

you might notice in the bath pictures that he doesn’t even have his nasal cannula in his nose! the plastic tube is gently blowing oxygen in his face to help him breath, but i don’t think he really needed to it, since it was often pointed away from his face at odd angles. nurse jan commented at one point that perhaps he didn’t need to be on supplemental oxygen at all, so maybe sooner rather than later he’ll be rid of the nasal cannula completely.

day 62: second gregorian birthday bottle. II.

eric proved that taking the bottle yesterday wasn’t a fluke; after the bath he finished off his second bottle in short order.

he drank the first 16 cc’s quite quickly ( i.e. in under 10 minutes ). he then drank about 4 more cc’s over 10 minutes before deciding that he didn’t want the last couple of cc’s as he was getting very, very sleepy.

day 62: second gregorian birthday balloon

after the bath and the feeding, eric barely has any energy left to celebrate and he falls fast asleep on kris’ chest while clutching his balloon.

the eric update – day 61: isolette! first bottle! rumours of an exit date!

day 61: movin' on up!

woohoo! we received a phone call from the nicu to not be freaked out when we arrived and found an empty radiant warming bed, since eric had been moved to an isolette! it’s a big step up, as the isolette is the step before an open, unheated bed, which is the step before going home.

after the move to the isolette, they removed eric’s temperature sensor that constantly monitored his body temp. this means that they are increasingly confident in his ability to regulate his own body temperature, which is one of the “exit criteria” for leaving the nicu. the isolette is still heated to keep a thermoneutral environment, which is the temperature that is needed to prevent him from burning any calories on keeping warm, as they’d like every bit of evergy to go towards growing and staying healthy. that said, they will slowly ween his off the thermoneutral settings, at which point he’ll get transferred to an open bed.

day 61: first bottle! I.

eric also took his first bottle today! i think it might be impossible to convey to non-nicu parents what a big step it was for him to guzzle down a bottle on the first try. it can sometimes take weeks for a micropreemie to get the suck-swallow-breath sequence down for an entire 20 cc bottle.

day 61: first bottle! II.

nurse nancy got the process started because she wanted to make sure he didn’t drown, but he did so well that she quickly transferred him over to kris so she could enjoy the moment.

day 61: first bottle! III.

gulp. gulp. even more amazingly – nurse nancy used a newborn nipple and not a preemie nipple, which makes it that much more difficult to get the milk. that means he’s got a pretty strong suck reflex.

day 61: first bottle! IV.

maybe he’s looking for a “high five”?

day 61: first bottle! V.

it’s time for a burb. as always, things are more complicated with a micropreemie, so it takes a bit to figure out how to burp him without accidentally stopping his breathing.

day 61: first bottle! VI.

nurse nancy shows kris how to stimulate eric’s suck reflex.

day 61: first bottle! VII.

who knew feeding could take so much effort. after the bottle is finished, eric falls fast asleep.

day 61: first bottle! VIII.

kris watches his monitor after the feeding. all the food in his belly can stimulate his vagus nerve which affects his heartrate and can lead to a “brady” ( bradycardia – a dangerous slowing of his heartreate ).

after nurse nancy saw how well eric was doing with the bottle, she casually asked us how the nursery looked. we looked at her blankly.

“uh. the nursery is still an office.”

she looked shocked and then said something that neither one of us could possibly have expected. “well, what are you going to do if everything “clicks” and he’s released in two weeks! get your butts in gear! have you taken the infant cpr class? have you watched the “shaken baby syndrome” video? there’s lots to do and he’ll be leaving quite literally before you know it.”

kris responded with exactly what i was thinking as my mouth went dry, “nancy. your lips are moving but there’s no sound coming out.”

before today i had been trying to manage my expectations and thought that if we were lucky, eric might be home by the last week of october or the first week of november. this hadn’t seemed an unreasonably assumption since the the neonatologist told us when we arrived that eric would most likely be in the nicu until his original due date ( around actober 17th ) plus ” a few weeks”. so it’s no small shock to find out that it’s not outside the realm of possibility that he could be home soon. she did say that it probably wouldn’t be exactly two weeks, but my guess is that they are likely looking at 2 weeks to a month. it’s odd to think that if he were released even in a month, he’d be coming home a full three weeks before his original due date.

i guess it’s time to get cracking at turning the home office into a nursery.

day 61: getting used to the isolette

even though the isolette is considered a big move, is still takes a bit of adjustment to get used to the new environment. after two months of having unobstructed access to eric, it’s hard to get used to having to reach into a “box” to say “goodnight”.

there’s also a lot less space around the isolette, since it’s less likely that a large number of personnel will need to gather around eric for an emergency intervention. and we’ve moved from a a quiet, corner on the far end of the room ( the room is a rectangle with the sickest babies at the far end of the rectangle and the healthiest babies at the near end close to the entrance ) to right next to the nurses station and the entry door, so it’s a lot more noisy.

i guess any change, no matter how positive, takes some adjustment.

the eric update – day 59: even more weight gain. too big for bedding. impending transfusion and guessing games.

day 59: outgrown his bedding!

sniff. they grow up so fast. it’s hard to believe that it was on day 26 that eric received his custom bedding and he looks like he was swimming in it on day 28. but now, he’s so big, at 3 pounds 8.3 ounces or 1595 grams ( yes, he gained over two ounces in 24 hours ) that he can’t fit in his bedding anymore! we decided to give his bedding to some new neighbors who just arrived with a 24 weeker. we remembered how nice it was to have his own bedding from a thoughtful stranger, so hopefully in some small way, it’ll help the new parents transition into the nicu and their own long road ahead.

one of the nurses told us that during “rounds” today the neonatologist commented how very happy he was with eric’s progress and that he thought he had “turned a corner” and was looking very, very good lately. it’s going to be quite difficult to manage our expectations in the coming weeks now that we know that he, himself is being so optimistic – all the more so because the nurse said that he never makes predictions.

as i mentioned earlier in the week, he is looking increasingly pallid as the days goes by due to his decreasing amount of hemoglobin in his blood, which means he is getting closer and closer to needing a transfusion. for a variety of reasons our neonatologist lets hemoglobin run down farther than perhaps is done in other nicus, in an attempt to see if babies can increase their production on their own. often he’ll even go so far as to let the alarms start to increase before he’ll begin another transfusion, so i guess i’d expect to see the rate of alarms pick up over the next few days, due to the decreasing number of “boxcars” ( nurses term for red blood cells ). while he doesn’t seem to be alarming more than usual, his supplemental oxygen is gradually being increased, as a consequence of his decreased oxygen carrying capacity.

day 59: the return of kangaroo care!

i like to play games with the nurses by “forcing” them to guess when they think certain events will occur, such as when eric will get his transfusion. normally the nurses hate answering the “when do you think such and such will happen game” but i make it so much fun to play that most of them eventually play along ( in fact, i believe i may have developed quite a reputation for being able to cajole normally retrained nurses into playing ). being the veterans that we are, they know that i don’t really believe a word that comes out of their mouths and that it’s just a way to pass time. today, eric’s day nurse was quite sure that eric would get the transfusion tommorrow. or, i think it might be more correct to say that she was advocating that eric get the transfusion so that he could get it done before he goes to “full feeds” and is therefore be able to get rid of his intravenous line that much sooner ( i.e. if he went to full feeds before he got his transfusion, they’d keep his IV line in for the impending transfusion, which she was presumably trying to avoid ). however, eric’s night nurse laughed at the speculation and said that maybe the day nurse didn’t work in the same nicu as she did. the day nurse was still talking with us at the time, so it was all in good fun and i got they impression that they were gently expressing their impressions of the neonatologist’s transfusion policy.

day 59: pops gets some light reading time.

in addition to playing games with the nurses, we stuck to our increasingly normal routine of holding and kangaroo care, with and afternoon bath from kris and reading from both of us. tired of all the other reading, i decided to read to him about “mr. craigslist, master of the nerdiverse”.