Tag Archives: 365project

172/365. not the first time i’ve paid a price for my hubris.

172/365. not the first time i’ve paid a price for my hubris.

remember when i tried to fix the piano? not only did i not fix but i broke some stuff along the way and ended up having to get The Piano Man to come and clean up my mess. and odin lost 3 weeks of ability to practice at home. d’oh!

all-in-all not too bad of a bill for mainly a tuning that we needed anyway, but still, a lesson learned.

odin told me The Piano Man told him i really shouldn’t try to fix the piano if i don’t know what i’m doing 🙂

171/365. odin has a new, favorite ov cheese ( and his poppi learns something interesting ).

171/365. odin has a new, favorite ov cheese ( and his poppi learns something interesting ).

we launched some new medium cheddar and pepper jack and thought i knew which would be his favorite.

odin loves ov cheddar cheese. in fact, he’ll tell you it’s his favorite cheese ( specifically ov raw sharp which i find amusing because when i was his age if it wasn’t pizza cheese or american cheese i didn’t want to anything to do with it ). but he mostly eats it on dishes – primarily tacos and beans and rice and cheese and kale – and not as a snack. he likes pepper jack, but it’s not even a top five favorite.

so, easy bet, right? medium cheddar would be a home run. bzzzzzzt. he and his buddies loooooooove the pepper jack. we can’t keep enough of it in the house.

you’d expect cheddar to outsell pepper jack so it’ll be interesting to see if odin and his buddies predict a national counterintuitive trend.

maybe we need to get him into the product development process a little earlier 🙂

day 4005 – 170/365. father’s day: 2015 edition.

170/365. father’s day: 2015 edition.

tennis with odin ( CRUSHED HIM! ). “inside out” with odin ( awesome! ). aaand hockey practice with odin. all-in-all a spectacular father’s day. i did manage to squeeze in a 5 mile run too 🙂

at the end of the day as i was putting odin to bed i thought it’d be fun to attempt a rare selfie with him and i. frida heard him laughing at all the failed shots and decided to check out what all the commotion was about.

day 4001 – 166/365. odin got elected to the coop board!

day 4001 - 166/365.  odin got elected to the coop board!

odin had his first summer camp experience at kamp kenwood which is operated by the wisconsin farmers union. we wondered if he’d miss us and if he’d have a great time. he most definitely did not miss us and most definitely did have an awesome time.

in addition to all sorts of regular fun summer camp stuff, they learn about cooperatives and become members of the camp cooperative store. of course, they need a board to help oversee coop activities and odin was very excited to tell us that he was voted by his peers to be a member of the coop board of directors!

it’s his first elected coop position. no word yet if he’s going to use the resume builder to run for the board of our local food coop.