doing deep breathing exercises while thinking calming thoughts. over 20 years of living in chicago or attempting to get through chicago en route to visit family has led to plenty of fist shaking.
All posts by snowdeal
352/365. a counterintuitive observation about backyard chicken flock size and the number of eggs on hand.
since we downsized our flock from 8 birds to 4 and got out of the egg distribution business we have way more eggs on hand. before with a market in place, we’d sell or give most of the 56 eggs The Girls produced a week and found we were often short of eggs for our own use. now, without any regular customers – whoooweeee – 4 eggs a day can pile up fast!
in hindsight, 4 hens is the absolutely wrong size flock for us. too few eggs to make it worth the effort to set up regular customers and too many eggs for our weekly needs.
351/365. the view from the penalty box during a tough game.
350/365. fondue and sauna. not simultaneously.
i am not a regular fonder, but after sampling some cheese fondue made with ov heavy whipping cream, i think holiday fondue is going to be a new tradition!
day 4185 – 349/365. one of us wanted to go to the star wars premier.
348/365. after nine years, a key home project domino falls.
for nine years, replacing this window in the kitchen of our hundred year old house has been the “first domino” that triggers a series of projects leading to a complete remodel of much of the first floor of our home. today, it’s getting replaced which is awesome but my project list is going to get a lot longer. quickly.
we’re putting it with a new, shorter, much less drafty window that will allow us to move the kitchen sink under it. and moving the kitchen sink will make it possible to take out the wall between the kitchen and dining room ( hopefully it’s not a load bearing wall! ) which will lead to a new, larger open kitchen/dining space with an island. and lots of painting.