not sure if it’s the greatest because odin and his cousin evelyn made the america’s test kitchen recipe with love and care or if it’s the six?! sticks of organic valley cultured butter they used, but either way it’s awesome!
All posts by snowdeal
193/365. another debit card account stolen ( and yours might be too ).
discovered by debit card wasn’t working and a local cashier said i should check with bank because lots of locals had their accounts turned off at multiple banks due to fraudulent activity. sure enough, card was turned off and $300 charge was made at a gas station in north carolina. this is the fourth card i’ve had turned off in a year ( two debit and two credit )!
the process of getting back $300 was painless enough but when i went in to bank to sign the form i saw a huuuuuge stack of similar forms leading me to believe this was quite widespread.
then, front page above the fold article on how this is happening locally and nationwide as thieves use info before new chipped cards go into widespread use.
no word on how they were able to so many accounts. i assume a local gas station had one of those skimmers?
192/365. explosions in the sky.
indeed, the earth is not a cold dead place ( see what i did there? ). seen on my early evening run. had to trespass in a few backyards to get a proper vantage. glad i made the effort 🙂
they say, the average cloud weighs a million pounds. i’m guess this one is above average.
recipe: sour cherry ice cream!
yup, those macerating cherries ended up in some super delicious sour cherry ice cream! i followed this recipe which apparently is in scoop adventures. i wasn’t sure i was going to like this recipe because i love really custardy/eggy bases and it doesn’t have a single egg yolk in it. heresy! but when all was said and done, the end result really lets the cherry and cream flavors shine through. i still might try again with a custard base because you know The Girls keep laying eggs and we have to do something with them 🙂
as always you could make this without organic valley milk and cream BUT WHY WOULD YOU? for bonus points, add a little dark chocolate shavings. top notch!
3 C sour cherries, pitted
1 ¼ C sugar, divided
1 T lemon juice
2 C organic valley heavy whipping cream
1 C organic valley whole milk
– combine cherries with 3/4 C sugar and lemon juice. macerate in fridge for 6 hours, stirring every hour or so. puree cherries in a blender and strain through fine sieve mesh. keep a few tablespoons of skins to add back in when churning in ice cream maker.
– combine 1/2 C of sugar heavy cream and whole milk in a sauce pan and heat until just prior to boiling over medium heat until sugar dissolves. transfer to a water bath bowl to cool for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally then cool in fridge for at least 4 hours.
– combine milk mixture and cherry juice in ice cream maker and churn according to directions ( usually around 15-20 minutes ). when almost done, add the cherry skins. transfer to freezer safe container and freeze for at least 4 hours.
191/365. and now with the black currant harvest!
we have soon many black currants ready to be harvested. picked four or five quarts today and there are probably five times that left on the bush!
future black currant compote or jam ( what’s the difference? ).
future sour cherry ice cream ingredient.
freshly picked and pitted sour cherries, macerating in sugar and lemon juice for 6 hours.
future winter smoothies.
even after giving frida more than her fair share still ended up with five quarts of delicious raspberries. probably fifteen more quarts yet to be picked!