All posts by snowdeal

304/365. they don’t make cars or guitars like they used to.

304/365. they don't make cars or guitars like they used to.

after a long hiatus, caused by needing a bridge repair, i played the ol’ 1975 martin d-35 and she sounds better than ever. 40 years old! i can’t believe i’ve taken car of her for over half her life. i’m sort-of joking about them not making guitars like they used to. i’d happily take seth avett’s custom d-35 🙂

it’ll take me awhile to get my fingers back in playing condition but i think i’m going to try to do some recording over the winter.

btw, something i learned that’s obviously in hindsight, is that if it looks like the bridge is coming unglued, immediately remove the strings or you’ll quickly go from a $100 repair to glue the bridge to a $300 repair to fix the broken bridge brace and then glue the bridge. d’oh!

day 4137 – 302/365. halloween 2015!

day 4137 - 302/365. halloween 2015! I.

because he enjoyed listening to the audiobook version of the “the youngest templar” series odin decided he wanted to be an archer for halloween this year ( you’ll have to listen to the audiobook or read the book to understand why. ). and so we made it happen, handmade style!

day 4137 - 302/365. halloween 2015! II.

later, odin with the halloween 2015 motley wrecking crew. there’s zero chance of getting them all to look at the camera at the same time. hi. ho.

somewhat amused that odin was oblivious to being the only boy trick-or-treating with a half a dozen girl friends. not sure some of the the girls were so oblivious 🙂

day 4137 - 302/365. halloween 2015! III.

the is the first halloween where odin is wandering the neighborhood completely unsupervised by adults and I’m not at home on candy duty. soooooooooo…

day 4137 – the end of the 2015 soccer season with another win!

day 4137 - the end of the 2015 soccer season with another win!

odin’s team won the last game of the season 6-2 to finish the season with 6 wins and 2 losses! and to top it off, odin played offense for the last quarter and almost scored a goal in the final minutes and then drove it in for an assist! he usually plays defense so i think he was jazzed to get a chance to score.

day 4136 – 301/365. practice makes perfect.

day 4136 - 301/365. practice makes perfect.

or at least, one hopes, incrementally better. looks like odin’s team mates have all progressed with their skating skills, but even more so than in previous years i think their success in the upcoming season will depend on their ability to play as a team.

odin’s waaaaaaay off in the background in the green jersey.

day 4135 – 300/365. aaaaaand back with the standing in cold hockey arenas!

day 4135 - 300/365. aaaaaand back with the standing in cold hockey arenas!

it’s the start of the new hockey season! and odin’s first “official” practice as a “pee wee” playing with 11 and 12 year olds. even though he’s 11, he’s a big kid so i have no doubt that he’ll hold his own with the 12 year olds.

here he’s launching a puck into the net after running a drill. it’s still amazing to see how naturally the kids improve from year to year. He makes it look effortless to put some heat on the puck and get it up in the air and under control. Soon enough he’ll be able to direct to exactly where he wants it to go.