day 3499: yet another exciting round of The Dictionary Game before bed.

day 3499: yet another exciting round of The Dictionary Game before bed.

me: “what do you want to read before lights out?”

odin: “the dictionary!”

we take turns giving each other random words and time each other with a stopwatch to see can find words faster and then read the definition.

it’s a fun game and with almost every word both of us learn something new.

he’s looking for “zenith” on this round. for now i can usually beat him, but i don’t think that will last for long.

frida’s big (spay) day!

frida's big (spay) day!

frida turned 6 months old a few days ago so we got her a very special gift! a trip to the vet to get spayed!

she thought she was going to “doggie daycare” and was very excited in the car on the way to the vet ( though quite vocal in telling us that we “forgot” to feed her). she was not so happy when she came home. hi. ho. she’ll be happy frida soon enough.

i’m sure it’s a form letter, but the note from the vet on “frida’s big day” was a nice touch, though her ears are down the in picture which means she had figured out that this was not going to be A Fun Day when they snapped the picture.

day 3489: the student will (maybe) someday become the (piano) master.

day 3489: the student will (maybe) someday become the (piano) master.

i remember odin’s first piano lesson eight and a half years ago given by his great aunt on a piano in maine that had seen generations of family playing. since then, i’ve slowly been teaching odin how to play, waiting for his hands to get bigger and his concentration and attention skills to get developed enough to make proper lessons fun and not A Big Drag.

five years ago we got a piano and i taught odin scales, and intervals and simples chords and he soon could play twinkle, twinkle little star ( i remember his amusement upon realizing it was the same notes as baa baa black sheep and the alphabet song ).

and it wasn’t too long before he was playing parts of the the pink panther theme and the imperial march by ear or “inventing” the smoke on the water intro or making up pieces that sounded like something brian eno would compose.

it’s been clear that his hands have grown along with with his attention and concentration and now is a good time to leave behind learning my chicken scratch transcriptions of school songs and get some proper lessons.

today he had his first lesson. he loved it, absolutely loved it, and can’t wait for the next one. i’m sure in no time at all he’ll be teaching me a thing or two.

day 3486: The Hockey Life.

day 3486: The Hockey Life. I.

after playing offense and scoring a goal, odin is back on defense while playing against la crosse who they’ve beat once and lost once in overtime.

day 3486: The Hockey Life. II.

“maintain your self control.” easier said than done!

as one does as a hockey parent, i sat in the opponent’s penalty box. it offers a great view of the game. you’ll note, there’s a player in the box. i have to admit it was a bad call 🙂

day 3486: The Hockey Life. III.

odin moves the puck down the ice. viroqua had more shots on goal but their goalie was too good and they lost. la crosse is conference 3 team ( viroqua is conference 4 ) so they should feel proud at beating them once and almost beating them again in overtime in previous games 🙂