cruisin’ in the galaxie while readin’ country woman and being filmed.

cruisin' in the galaxie while readin' country woman and being filmed.

of course, there’s a perfectly reasonable reason as to why i found myself in such a predicament.

we were filming a little video encouraging folks to use the the rideshare van at work. in this scene i’m “playing” the part of the “lonely guy” riding in his gigantic car all by himself trying to catch up on his reading. so happy that i can finally scratch that off my bucket list.

i took a few more pictures of some of the rest of the scenes being filmed. i’m sure you’ll see them sooner or later.

bonus points if you can guess the soundtrack during this scene.

pot smoking diesel drivers rejoice! or not.

pot smoking diesel drivers rejoice! or not.

let’s be clear, i’m not talking about me, but i chuckle at the thought of potheads around the nation attaching cosmic significance to the fact that diesel has risen to $4.20 per gallon.

i’m just thankful to be getting 50 mpg in our TDI.

420 bonus points will be awarded to the first person to post a photo of themselves catching the facebook 420 character limit while pumping $4.20 diesel and smoking a fattie! ( i jest. sort-of. )