Tag Archives: situp

80 weeks later – I LOST 106 POUNDS!

4 weeks after hitting the hundred pounds lost mark, i’ve lost 6 more pounds which means, through the magic of math, i’ve lost 106 pounds!

according to the BMI calculators, at 189 pounds i have a body mass index of 23 which puts me in the the 23rd weight percentile for my 6’4″ frame and also means i weigh what most other people my height wish they weighed. it also means i’ve erased 23 years of weight gains and now weigh what i did in high school.

truth be told, i haven’t really been trying to lose any more weight. in fact, i’ve been trying to not lose any more! i guess i’ll have to try a little harder. after running clear across the country i’ve been gradually cutting back my miles and have been averaging 25 miles a week, down from 45 a week. alas, it’s going to be tough but i’ll just have to eat a little more 🙂

and, yes, i’m still working on phase II fitness towards the goal of doing 100 consecutive push-ups and 200 consecutive sit-ups and am making steady progress.

after 5 weeks, i’m heading into the last week of the training and did 175 push-ups today, 480 for the week and 1,308 total. and i did 261 sit-ups today, 698 for the week and 1,970 total which is all a little mind-blowing since i could barely do 10 push-ups and 30 sit-ups when i started. progress! just one week until the test to see if i can do 100 consecutive push-ups and 200 consecutive sit-ups!

i guess it’s probably time for a before and after picture 🙂

phase II fitness – stage I. 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups.

i cruised past losing 90 pounds by the year and even though i’ve slowed up a bit on the rate of weight loss, i’ll hit 100 pounds lost sometime in february.

so what about that phase II fitness program focused on strength training?

i’ve been slowly working with dumbbells doing a few reps here and there to get out of the OW! OW! OW! phase and am now ready to commit to a fairly simple goal – build up to 100 push-ups and two hundred sit-ups over the next 7 or 8 weeks or so.

it certainly fits in my original requirements of not requiring a lot of expensive equipment ( maybe a few dumb bells), that can be done a few times a week for relatively short periods of time ( 30-60 minutes ) that will play well with running ( i.e. not looking to bulk up ).

and, as importantly, i’ve never been able to do either in my entire life. so i get to kick 30 year old me’s ass all over again 🙂

whose in with me? if you start, let me know how the progress goes!