All posts by snowdeal

day 4055 – odin gets a gnarly gash and a camp stitches story.

day 4055 - odin gets a gnarly gash and a camp stitches story.

it all happened very fast. odin was jumping feet first off the dock with his cousins and landed hard on his feet in water that was shallower than he anticipated and his momentum carried him forward and he came down hard on his knees. i’m guessing he landed on a mussel shell that sliced such a deep gash.

so we went on an a trip to the local medical clinic and the doc ( small world – she graduated from UW madison and grew up in oregon, wisconsin! ) confirmed that he needed a few stitches ( side note, both of us were surprised at how painful the anesthetic shots were – ooouuuuccchhhh! ). it only very slowly dawned on us that this meant odin wouldn’t be able to get in the water for the rest of vacation 🙁

all things considered, it ended up being a minor injury but a good reminder to have a healthy respect around the lake. i’m glad he didn’t jump in head first.

220/365. a beautiful day on indian lake.

220/365. a beautiful day on indian lake.

you really couldn’t ask for a more beautiful summer day in maine. not too muggy and hardly any bugs 🙂

the dock is getting rebuilt so you can see part of the underlying structure. i probably should be spending time helping to rebuild the rock wall that my grandfather built which stretches from one end of the cove to the other buuuuuut i’m going to take some time to actually vacation on my vacation.

does anyone visit on a desktop anymore? if you do, go ahead and view the large panorama on a big ol’ monitor.

218/365. more maine vacation traditions – clams at jordan’s snack bar.

218/365. more maine vacation traditions - clams at jordan’s snack bar. I.

if you’re passing through ellsworth, maine and you don’t stop by jordan’s snack bar to get some clams, you’re doing it wrong. closing time at 9pm and there’s still a line of mostly locals. no doubt there was a much longer line earlier in the day.

218/365. more maine vacation traditions - clams at jordan’s snack bar. II.

i’ve been getting fried clams ( and hotdogs and ice cream ) at jordon’s for a loooooooong time so it’s always nice to visit again. brings back fond memories.