some scenes from filming “The Joys of Ridesharing” movie which is a fun video encouraging folks to use the the rideshare van at work. you’ve already seen a scene from me “playing” the part of the “lonely guy” riding in his gigantic car all by himself trying to catch up on his reading.
and now, in an internet exclusive ( take that TMZ! ), here are a few images of us filming the narration scenes which will humorously tie together all the footage. the scenes were filmed in and around driftless books in the forgotten works warehouse to give it a masterpiece theatre vibe.
it was a whole lotta fun helping put this together with macon luhning and mister koppa. as you might imagine it took us more than a few takes to make it through some of the surreal scenes.

there’s always some interesting reading in general metaphysics. you can tell when i’m standing around getting a little bored while mike and macon are rehearsing dialogue.

more standing around pondering interesting scenes between the scenes at the forgotten works warehouse.

macon and mister koppa making comedy gold.

just finished with my “lay on the floor and roll mister koppa into the scene on a ladder” duties and notice the more things change the more they stay the same ( published in 1968 ).

the “tricycle and elevator” scene where mister koppa descends in the elevator, flings open the door and somberly states, “driving by yourself can make you lonely. make you sad.” this was the hardest scene to film and keep it together. there are a lot of outtakes that end with one of bursting into uncontrollable laughter. my sole job was to stand off to the side and help mike open the elevator door while sitting on the tricycle.
rumor has it that if you view the finished movie you can see my disembodied hand flinging up the door.

it’s not every day you can get a shot of a man on a tricycle in an antique elevator, so i savor the moment.

spontaneous scene set-up.

spot the secret message in this scene?

mister koppa opening the scene with “my mother, my self an electric fire accompanied by me playing a sappily sad piano tune in the background.

the final scene with more than a few allusions to mister rogers’ neighborhood.