the E key near the middle C stopped working on our upright piano so for some reason i thought it’d be a great idea to take the piano apart. i have never taken a piano apart. this is the thing that broke and i broke another thing while trying to fix this thing.
though i usually have great faith in the power of wood glue and clamps, i think i might be in over my head and probably should have just called a professional.
odin made his mom a card. he knows her pretty well. the squirrels chewed through hammock last year so he was thinking she’d like a new one. he was right.
he thought he was being too clever by half by selecting a pattern with lots of white because it meant he didn’t have to fill it in and it’d be less work. he later found out that he, in fact, had to fill in the areas with white thread 🙂
as some might recall frida occasionally comes home from doggie day care with gifts and cards. today it was a mother’s day card. it took me a minute to figure out what was on the front of the card.
it’s amazing how much effort the staff puts into the gifts. i have to wonder if they write the same thing on all the cards.