just crazy town that odin has now taken the first place pie award three times and evie won with a recipe none of us had ever made before! huge congrats to haley for winning judges choice award!
i suppose at some point i’ll have to publish the recipes
i think this is mostly for tourists as i’m pretty sure no self respecting local would buy an $8.99 lobster roll from mcdonalds when there are so many awesome mom and pop seafood shacks around the area.
odin made two crust blueberry pie. he has won first place in two previous years which is incredible. if he wins again I really think it’s time for him to start a blueberry pie business! evelyn made a three layer lemon blueberry cake with cream cheese frosting which looks absolutely delicious. not pictured, odin’s cousin hayley entered a blueberry buckle cake.
i *think* one of them will win a ribbon today but even if they don’t we all win because we get to eat all the treats after judging is finished later today!
seen on morning run along route 1 in whiting, maine. i feel like i should know what kid of flowers they are. anyone know? ( and someone gets the literary reference i the title, right?)
it’s about a half mile paddle to this island from camp. It’s interesting from a geological perspective because while it’s a small for an island, it’s still a giant hunk of granite with a small layer of dirt and it’s the only formation of its on the lake. Where did it come from? In any case, I’ve never been on the island, have never seen anyone in it and don’t think it has a name. It’s not on any maps of the lake. Odin and evelyn decided they wanted to make a landing. so they did!
i think it will hereby by known as odin and evelyn’s island.
we made first landing yesterday and we all got out of the kayaks and collected some rocks. When we left a loon let us know she was not very happy with us being in her territory. I don’t think she had a nest on the island but it must have been nearby.
odin got up at 4:45am with evelyn so he could take this picture of the sunrise. you have to get up mighty early on the eastern edge of the easternmost county in the u.s., known as the sunrise county since it’s where the sun rises first in the continental united states.