previously a sad scene at a localish macy’s and now same scene playing out at local mc sports.
i guess on a positive note i got 70% off adult hockey breezers?
i’ve spent a lot of time in the lobby of hotels with hockey players and their parents but this is the first time i’ve ever seen a game called klask. apparently it’s a popular new game that was recently invented in denmark.
the kids and parents both seemed to enjoy it thought kris and i stuck to old school cribbage.
heya! a lot has happened since i went on a little blog hiatus! state hockey championships came and went. odin’s team lost the first game but won the remaining three which earned them a consolation prize.
also, odin decided to try out for the regional youth AAA hockey team, the jr. chill, and made the team! odin is just one of two 12 year olds who made the team so he’ll be playing with and against, bigger and faster 13 and 14 year olds.
today was their first game of their first tournament in elk river, minnesota.
odin learned very quickly that the pace of play was quite a bit different! and it’s his very first time playing with checking!
i thought they played well for their first game and trying to figure out how to come together as a team. they held the game within a point, 2-1, until the last five minutes when frustrations boiled over and two of his teammates when into the penalty box and the opposing team scored two quick goals to end the game 4-1.
hi. ho. odin played great ( he’s in the blue jersey ), had fun and didn’t get intimated after getting knocked into the boards a couple of times
it’s hard to believe the regular hockey season is almost over with just a couple of games left for odin in his last year as a pee wee.
he’s a great player but if i’ve learned anything over the years – it’s hard to take a great photo of defenseman in action ( much easier to take photos of offense shooting pucks into the net than taking photos of defense running down pucks )
unfortunately they lost to dodgeville 3-6. there’s a good chance they’ll play them at the state championships in a few weeks so they’ll need to step up their game if they want to take home a trophy.
one of many closing macy’s ( this one is in eau claire, wisconsin ). the store is empty even with blowout deals.
we ran into some hockey parents outside ( hockey tournament weekend! ) the macy’s. they were there to see “the boat show” in the mall ( boats parked where there there used to be kiosks ), not to shop. one of them looked at macy’s and said, “ugh, you couldn’t pay me to go in there.”
the only reason we were in the mall was to return an eddie bauer christmas gift that was bought online.
the death spiral spirals
Q4 saw largest drop in mall foot traffic in history of the mall. (Shoppers visited ~2.5 stores inside, vs ~5 stores 5 yrs ago) – @JRogersK
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) January 4, 2017