happy mother’s day! today is all the more happier for all of us since odin is free from the chickenpox!
odin made his mother very sweet card.

he’s still enjoying the heart pop-up card he made for valentine’s day cards so he went with that style for mother’s day.
i love the inscription he came up with all on his own.

odin has been experimenting with making pop-up paperworks. he’s totally fascinated with how to make three-dimensional creations so we got a few books and read some tutorials online and he decided to put his skills to work and came up with a simple but beautiful design for valentine’s day cards for his classmates.
he wanted a card that would pop-up a heart when opened and came up with the two layer design all by himself. and he certainly didn’t inherit my formidable power of procrastination because he came up with a plan to complete all the cards well ahead of valentine’s day!

here’s a closer-up look of the design of the heart. that’s some pretty precise x-acto knife work!
{ intertwingled since 2000 }