the kids played two games of a two today tournament today in the impressive pettit national ice center which is an official us olympic training facility in milwaukee, wisconsin. it’s a little hard to see in this photo but in the arena there are two international-size ice rinks ( the second rink is behind the one in the foreground ) surrounded by a 400-meter speed skating oval. it’s impressive!
the first game was pettit versus viroqua. we knew it would be a tough game on pettit’s home ice and uuuufffffff-dddaaaaaaaa viroqua got a character building lesson and lost 1-9!
the final score doesn’t tell whole story. they were tied 1-1 at end of first period. kept it together and it was 1-3 and end of second period and it stayed that way until the final 7 minutes when, i think, viroqua ran out of gas and spirit.
the second hockey game of the day was in the evening and viroqua faced off again shaw. we hoped they could bounce back from the first loss even as it was getting late the kids and already played a tough game.
it was a little ugly but viroqua won 5-4 in overtime! we’ll take it!