Tag Archives: day3465

day 3465: odin carves his initials in the table before eating one of america’s best burgers at stella’s lounge.

day 3465: odin carves his initials in the table before eating one of america's best burgers at stella's lounge.

if you’re at stella’s lounge in grand rapids, michigan see if you can find odin’s initials on one of the tables. GQ magazine rated their fare as “Best Burger in America”.

i had the “mr fables” with green olives, blue cheese & swiss cheese, and while it was very, very, good ( and i recommend you go have one if you have the chance ) i have to admit the burger i had at the burger joint in new york city ( thanks to a hot tip from jason kottke ) might have been a better burger.

maybe i need to do arrange side-by-side comparison.