now that i’m getting right with the galaxie and it’s all operational and street legal, odin got his very first chance to ride in the car after 9 years with his cousins when i took them to see percy jackson and the sea monsters.
Drove Odin and his cousins in the galaxie to see Percy Jackson movie. Fun! (@ Celebration! Cinema – @celebrationcnma)
— Eric C. Snowdeal III (@snowdeal) August 16, 2013
he’s been patiently waiting for this day for about 9 years. he’s been asking since not long after taking this picture of him in the front seat when he wasn’t even a year old.
“oooooh, someday.”
well, that someday was today.
we took the backroads to the theater. they all loved every minute of it and unanimously proclaimed it “the best car in the world!”
and, wow, do you ever get a lot of “thumbs up” and smiles from folks while driving down the road in a ’65 ford with kids hanging their heads out the window.
“poppi, people sure like the galaxie.”