just over two and half years ago, when i snapped this picture of odin with eyes closed holding a medal at the close of the hockey season i never suspected that we’d go on hiatus for three years. in fact, i predicted that we’d do it again the following year.
but odin had other plans and insisted he didn’t want to play when it came time to sign up again the following fall. it was a curious decision since he seemed to enjoy his two prior years of playing in the local “learn to skate” program ( you can walk down memory lane here ), but it was his decision to make and we’ve found other fun pursuits to take its place, not least of which being cross country skiing which a lot of his friends enjoy.
and this year odin suprised us again and out of the blue said he wanted to play hockey which was all the more surprising because none of his buddies are playing.
“are you sure?” we asked many, many times. “i’m sure.” he said many, many times.
i have to admit i was betting he would back out after the first practice and want the familiar fun of cross country skiing with familiar faces ( we can’t do both because practice times overalap ), but it looks like i’m going to lose that informal bet with myself.
he jumped right in like he never left the game and listened intently to the coaches giving pre-practice instructions.

and he got back on ice and ran “drills” while mostly paying attention 

he even had fun trying to get the puck away from other players which, i think, was one of things he didn’t enjoy so much three years ago. at that time he liked skating in circles and pushing the puck on his own, but didn’t care to have other kids getting “in his space” coming after the puck.
i guess when you’re seven it’s a whole new ball game, so to speak.
it’ll be interesting to see how the season progresses.
tonight, at least, he had a great time recounting the entire practice before falling fast asleep.