yes, we know the black locust is dense enough to break new jigsaw blades.
and tonight it caused my 5/16th inch drill bit to get so hot from friction that it snapped!
i can’t imagine working with it without power tools like some of the amish builders in the area.

standing 15 feet up on the outer corner of the treehouse, pre-drilling holes for screws in the black locust decking ( which is so dense that i think it’s going to heat the drill bit so hot it’ll melt ) and it suddenly occurs to me when the wind is swaying the trees that i have a lot of faith in the structural stability of my design O_o
i mean, i feel pretty confident, but still, without the railings up the slights sense of vertigo and swaying in the wind can give you a little pause.
{ intertwingled since 2000 }