when old man winter brings a few inches of the white stuff in mid-april we snowdeals don’t complain! oh, no! we make lemonade from lemons ( to mix a metaphor, badly ) and build a snowman!
one wonders, though, if this is the last the old man has in store for us. i recall four years ago he stopped by and dropped 8 inches on us in mid-april.
elder cheeseheads will tell you that you’re ill-advised to put the ice scraper away until june.

whether you’re almost seven or thirty seven(ish), there are few things more fun than finishing up swimming lessons to find that it’s still snowing in a freak mid-april storm and that there’s enough snow on the ground to build a snowman when you get home.
and between then and now on the trip home you and a friend ( and your poppi ) have time to sing all the songs in the johnny cash children’s album while it’s cranked up to 11!
{ intertwingled since 2000 }