it’s the beginning of hockey regular season so we’re spending more time in hockey arenas. and this weekend we spent even more time than usual as we signed odin up for a laura stamm power skating clinic in baraboo, wisconsin. the well-regarded clinics are taught all over the country and usually cost over $200 but the baraboo youth hockey association subsidizes the cost and it costs just $75 if you’re not part of the association ( $35 if you are a member of the baraboo youth hockey league ). so it’s quite a deal for an intensive 6 hours of skating split over 2 days.
drills! drills! drills!
in this drill, the kids skate fast and drop down and alternate sliding on each knee without standing up.
i am certain that i could not do this.
lots and lots of drills to improve their skating backwards skills.
and maybe a bit of goofing off with friends who give odin a hard time when his poppi is trying to take pictures 🙂