256/365. wherein i discover the jetta sportwagen control to turn off bluetooth autoplay. why is this even a thing i have to do apple?

256/365. wherein i discover the jetta sportwagen control to turn off bluetooth autoplay. why is this even a thing i have to do apple?

so a few days ago i vented about issue i was having that for some reason apple music on my iPhone had started randomly taking over car bluetooth connection, playing songs from a U2 album i didn’t buy. at the time i lamented that it was the lamest product/brand experience i’ve ever had with apple. “stop trying to shove apple music down my throat. maddening”. responses from twitter, Facebook and email suggested i was not alone. a few google searches later and i discovered i was discovered i very much not alone. the fix suggestions are summarized in “how to stop the Music app from auto-playing in your car”. #2 is “turn off auto-play in your car, if possible”. okaaaaaaay.

hmmmm, i had no idea there was an autoplay option. so i went looking and it turns out there is! we’ve had the car for longer than the iPhone and i don’t have an explanation for how/why it suddenly it started auto-playing ( did odin mess with the settings? )?

either way i can’t believe there’s way to configure autoplay on the iOS side. really, apple? i’m sure it’s not a coincidence that it defaults to autoplay apple music. i’m glad volkswagen gives me a way to turn it off in lieu of ability to control it on the device side.

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