day 3711: shooting selfies with the DSLR, thinking about photography.

day 3711: shooting selfies with the DSLR, thinking about photography.

we’re out and about chasing the wind with the kite aerial photography rig and odin grabs the dslr and follows me around shooting away. it didn’t take long before he starts shooting selfies.

“poppi, i never told anyone but i’d really like a camera like this. i think i’d like to take more pictures.”

he takes a ton of photos with his ipod but he thinks the pictures on the DSLR look much better and likes how he can have more control. i think our future will be filled with photowalking adventures!

and in case you’re wondering day 253 was the first time he took a picture with the DSLR and day 1000 he shot his first selfie ( before they were called selfies ).

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