day 2499: watchin’ The Big Kids perform The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

day 2499: watchin' The Big Kids perform The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

i started the day enjoying a two hour overview of odin’s upcoming first grade walfdorf class pleasant ridge which really, really made we want to go back and re-do first grade myself and we all ended the day watching the eighth grade class perform an adaptation of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” ( every year each grade – the entire grade – puts on a play ).

they did a really great job and imbued the play with tons of heart and humor and we enjoyed it all that much more because we recently read “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. odin thought it was neat to see a bunch of kids he knows sing and act while telling a story.

bookending the day with the two events made me think odin is going to be able to look forward to some fantastically awesome grade school years.

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