( of course i let him after i verified his mother was home )
i bought some fireworks on blowout deal after the fourth of july at one of those crazy michigan fireworks stores and threw some five minute smoke tubes into the mix because odin likes smoke bombs and we’ve been experimenting with our own recipes that we light off in a custom smoke bomb metal tube we had fabricated locally. first thing we learned was that if you light a smoke tube in a metal tube it acts more like a rocket launcher! yikes! don’t do that.
it smoked for a few seconds then, “PHOOOOOOOOOOOF” it blasted out of the metal tube and left a fiery bit of its insides behind.
i looked across the street and our neighbors were trying to figure out what the heck we were doing.
“oh we’re ok! just playing with smoke bombs!” i think they are somewhat used to this kind of behavior after 8 years.
the second one we lit in a metal tin. odin got out of dodge quickly. about 30 seconds after we lit it i realized it was blowing into our next door neighbors window and open door so i had to scramble to move it quickly to a different spot. d’oh!
after about a minute we realized that it was going to put out a serious amount of smoke. they’re not joking around in the product description, “This item puts out a large volume of white smoke for five minutes! Super dense and long lasting smoke item!”
i started to get worried we were going to smoke out the entire block and someone not knowing what was going on would call the fire department.
you can see kris is attempting to brush frida in the background. she is not amused. double d’oh!
shaving a yak by flipping through old make magazines and came across the dog-eared article on making smoke bombs and remembered in was going to make odin a kit for his birthday but couldn’t find any potassium nitrate locally. but it’d make a great christmas gift, right? i think lighting professional grade colored smoke bombs off the treehouse deck is something that needs happen. and it looks like i can get potassium nitrate here by christmas!
we’ll just need to try and heed mark frauenfelder’s advice to not make them in the kitchen.