Tag Archives: skateboarding

skateboarding is not about not falling, but falling well.

skateboarding is not about not falling, but falling well.

tonight i did not fall well. so i earned a gnarly road rash and ripped jeans. and no i wasn’t going down the super steep hill at top speed like the other day. just rolling down off the sidewalk into street AT SLOW SPEED hit a crack and then maybe a pebble and BAM!

it does makes me think twice about rolling down the monster hill again at night with no pads 🙂

boardslides while wearing sunglasses after dark.

i was out mowing the lawn and “sunglasses after dark” by the cramps from their 1980 album songs the lord taught us came up on the ol’ playlist. and just like it does every time i hear the song, i recall listening to it on a boombox while doing 30′ boardslides across parking blocks connected end to end on a tony hawk powell peralta deck in 1985 while wearing, of course, wearing sunglasses after dark.

it’s a fantastically visceral memory. slow motion. leaning waaaaaay back on the boardslide. hands clasped behind my back. and sunglasses. it makes me want to skate again every time i hear it. maybe i will.

The Photographer Series: Bryce Kanights

i recently ran across this photographer series interview with bryce kanights who, over the past 20 years, has witnessed and photographed many of skateboarding’s legends doing legendary things. i had a subscription to thrasher magazine when the infamous “gonz at alcatraz” photo was published in 1986 and remember flipping through the pages and seeing it for the first time.