Tag Archives: relativity

on interstellar and the illusion of time.

i saw interstellar last night and it’s a great movie. not perfect by any means, but it’s sci-fi and even Neil DeGrasse Tyson is okay with the ending.

many of the theories in the film are explored in the embedded NOVA episode, “The Fabric of the Cosmos: The Illusion of Time” which has quotes from physicists that sound like they could be buddhist monks – e.g. “everything that has ever happened or will happen – it all exists.” and from an NPR story on the show, “Our days certainly seem numbered. We long to know if this countdown to darkness is real, or simply the trick of a more limited perspective.”

for even more Deep Thoughts About Time, give a listen to the Radiolab Time episode and remember that all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.