the new york public library published it’s first ever 100 Great Children’s Books ( they are, of course careful to refrain from calling the a “top 100” list ). it’s a superb list and we’ve read many of them with odin but it’s tough to take a children’s book list seriously that doesn’t contain “the wind in the willows”?! i bet odin would have fun writing down his top 20 or 30.
i’m always happy to hear what books you all like that are appropriate for a 9 year old. right now odin is tearing through percy jackson series. it’s not pulitzer prize winning fiction, but he loves it and that’s all that really matters
update: i received many excellent suggestions we’ve read quite a few but several we haven’t including, “Guardians of Ga’Hoole”, “The Famous Five” series, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “The Cricket in Times Square”, “The Cat Who Wished to Be a Man”, “the mouse with the question mark tail”, “george’s secret key to the universe”, and the “myth-o-mania” series.