i still get requests from folks who remember the postcard project that want to send odin a postcard. so, after a 3 year hiatus, i’m happy to announce that you can, once again, send him a one!
for those new to these parts that have no idea what i’m talking about. very early on in our 96 day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit, i got an email from a woman in budapest who wanted to send odin a postcard as a way to support him and us during our rollercoaster ride. that simple request led to me setting up a post office box that filled with postcards from all over the world ( see the postcard project/google maps mashup ).
so, send him a postcard and tell him about yourself, or something special about where you live, or anything else you find interesting. who knows, maybe he’ll even write you back
here’s the new address:
odin snowdeal
p.o. box 72
la farge, wi 54639
please remember to visit the original “postcards from budapest” post for the current postcard project address.