maybe it’s because he’s burning a bunch of calories with his newfound crawling capability or maybe we should get prepared for another growth spurt or maybe he just likes the feel of his pudgy belly and he wants a little more pudge to play with; whatever the cause, odin has quickly progressed from eating a few spoonfulls of yogurt to hesitantly sampling a slighty wider array of solids to pretty much devouring anything and everything we put in front of him.
in just about a week, he’s gone from eating just a few spoons of solid food to cleaning out two and three jars of babyfood. and he’ll often top the meal off with more than a little bit of oatmeal!
you’ll notice that if we can’t shovel the food in fast enough, he likes to have a jenga block close at hand to help pacify his oral urges.
i haven’t done a rigorous food intake analysis, but he doesn’t seem to be nursing much less than normal so it doesn’t appear that he’s simply replacing milk with solids. he just seems to need a lot more calories than just a few weeks ago.
it might be time to start making our own babyfood so he doesn’t empty our bank account with his new solid habit