i didn’t follow through with the relaunching. so i’m considering a relaunch of the relaunch. someday. for now don’t send any postcards because he won’t get them at any of these addresses.
08.10.09 update:
finally, after a 3 year hiatus, i’m relaunching the postcard project and you can once again send odin a postcard. new address:
odin snowdeal
p.o. box 72
la farge, wi 54639
06.21.06 update:
we recently moved to a new town and i hope to set up a post office box soon. but in the meantime, please don’t send any postcards to the old address because we might not get them!
04.26.05 update:
to clear up any confusion – you can still use the p.o. box to send odin postcards or whatever you’d like – and this post will always contain the latest address. so before you send anything, check here to make sure you’re sending it to the right place. once again, the address to use is the same as the one i posted in october, even though we’re moving as the postcards are not sent to our home address
eric c. snowdeal iv
p.o. box 1514
grand rapids, mi 49501-1514
10.02.04 update:
since we’ve moved to a new nicu, please don’t send postcards to the old nicu address! so, for all you procrastinators, here’s the new address:
eric c. snowdeal iv
p.o. box 1514
grand rapids, mi 49501-1514
as an added bonus, people can send stuff to eric at the new address after he’s released from the nicu. woohoo!
o.k. i’m getting way, way too many emails asking for my personal address and how you all can support eric IV and us during this difficult time. now, as much as i’m astounded by all the emails i’m getting from around the world, i’m not quite ready to give out my personal address or start passing the hat around ( although i reserve the right to change my mind, if my bandwidth bill starts to eclipse the nicu bill ).
however, the other day i received a wonderfully kind email from a woman in budapest who wanted to send eric a postcard and i thought it might be an easy and fun way for everyone to express their support. so, i talked with the nicu nurses and they said they would be happy to get his postcards and put them up around his bed. so, if you or your family have been thinking about eric and are wondering how you might be able to let him know that you care, feel free to send a postcard to the following address:
don’t use this address anymore! if you send postcards here, we won’t get them
eric c. snowdeal IV
NICU – 8th floor
c/o. st. mary’s hospital
200 jefferson ave s.e.
grand rapids, mi 49503
bonus points will be awarded for postcards sent from preemies ( or their parents or nicu nurses ) with a short version of their birth story and/or nicu experiences.
update: ooops. i forgot that not eveyone knows that eric will be in the nicu for the next 3 months, so it’s not like you have to run out and put the postcard in the mail today, as there’s plenty of time to procrastinate. not that i’m encouraging procrastination, mind you.
and, i’m not saying that i’m trying to game blogdex or daypop or anything ( which, of course, means that’s exactly what i might be saying ), but if those amongst you with the means are feeling charitable and you’d like to link to the post to get the meme out, i’d be mighty obliged.
i mean, c’mon. if you were in the nicu for 3 months, you’d like a postcard or two, too