Category Archives: Uncategorized

Eric Raymond goes back to basics


dW: So if there was another chapter for Cathedral and the Bazaar that you would write based on what you learned there, what was the lesson?

Raymond: That it is possible for open source cultures in some respects to ossify enough that good work is locked out. And that is a long-term problem that I don’t know how we’re going to deal with.”

Top Ten Myths About the War in Iraq is intriguing. i’d like to see a point-by-point discussion of each of the myths to see if they hold up. unfortunately, everyone – including myself – seems to be linking to the story without adding any critical commentary. i’m woefully unqualified to sleuth the truth from glossy fiction. certainly, many of the points challenge assumptions i have. hopefully someone smarter and more well-versed in history will prove or refute the statements.

oh the nuggets of wisdom that can be unearthed in mundane things like a simple listing of Call Center, Bug Tracking and Project Management Tools for Linux:

Note to Free Software Programmers: Please DO NOT create yet another project to implement some system! There are too many half-finished, half-functional systems already! Do some research, find a system that is appealing, and volunteer to carry it further! At first, this may seem less rewarding, because you won’t be Mr. Super-Duper I-am-Head-of-the-Project Big-Shot Might-Be-Linus-Torvalds-Soul-Brother. But in the long run, you will find much more satisfaction from working on a project that everyone knows and respects, than being the sole author of and world-wide expert on some poopoo-kaka that no one has heard of. I speak from experience!”

[ via nat ]