Category Archives: Uncategorized

old school chicago politics in full effect

o.k. with everything else going on, i guess this is small potatoes. but i’m utterly fascinated with the brazen show of political cahones that our own mayor daley recently flashed when he decided to remove an airfield. at midnight. without warning. in a odd way that’s difficult to describe, it’s awe-inspiring:

“In a stunning move decried by critics as “the epitome of arrogance,” Mayor Daley closed down Meigs Field by tearing up its only runway–without warning pilots, air traffic controllers or many of his political allies.”

mappa flasha mundi

neato. i haven’t looked very deeply into it, but the indyjunior flash mapping module looks pretty cool. i wonder how much flexiblity you can have with the map overlays. must….remember….to….look…into…this…later:

“IndyJunior is a fully customizable map which you can use to easily display your geographic location. Joshua Davis did it first, but we do it with an XML data file and a whole host of configurable options. Feed IndyJunior some latitude and longitude coordinates and you’ll be plotting your course like an Indiana Jones movie in no time”

[ via megnut ]

One PC, Six Hard Drives, 37 OSes!

“When challenging Richard to successfully load any OS our little hearts desired, we were amazed at the variety — and antiquity — of what he managed to boot. It was nice to see BeOS (sublime, efficient), OS/2 Warp IV (vexingly quaint), and a bunch of Linux distributions (rebellious and defiant), but we were most charmed by Windows 1.01, which was just a few pixels away from looking like a basic DOS screen.”

[ via OxDECAFBAD ]

slight site design changes

i’ve made a few changes to ex machina to enhance readibility. i’m going to make an honest effort to use titles, and i’ve moved the date to the permalink. oh, and i took the blog author “mailto” out of each post, since this is a single author blog, it’s not really necessary to put an e.mail link in each post. overall, i think it cleans things up a bit, visually speaking. perhaps you’ll feel differently.