Category Archives: Uncategorized

getting greasy with the galaxie

today looks like a fine day to irritate the neighbors by banging on the
. i think i’ll take a another stab at fixing the window crank and the fan belt. i should probably flush the radiator and change the oil as well, but that seems like far too much effort. hopefully i can get the window fixed, since the inside of the galaxie can get mighty stifling without some airflow. you don’t look nearly as cool cruising around town if you’re red-faced and sweaty. no sir.

[ meta: as if to prove the blognoise point, i just ran into myself while looking for “galaxie 500 window crank” resources. ]

the blognoise problem

while not really stating anything new, the timing of the latest orlowski piece on google fixing the “blognoise” problem is interesting because i’ve become increasingly aware of the once amusing and soon to aggravating problem:

“”They didn’t foresee a tightly-bound body of wirers,” reckons Stock. “They presumed that technicians at USC would link to the best papers from MIT, to the best local sites from a land trust or a river study – rather than a clique, a small group of people writing about each other constantly. They obviously bump the rankings system in a way for which it wasn’t prepared.””

what’s wierder is that i’ve been finding myself quiet regularly in the top 20 of searches that i’m doing. i hardly think anyone looking for real information is amused. i think they should sequester blogs off into their own little space not unlike they did with usenet. why this would be controversial to anyone is beyond me. this is exactly why technorati is so useful.

aol doing it one per pixel?

with rumors that aol is putting 400 people on developing a blogging tool, one has to wonder if they’re subscribing to the “one per pixel” development methodology:

“I once consulted for a company that had 50 developers working on a simple GUI. This GUI was a flat panel touch screen upon which several dozen dialog boxes could be made to appear. These 50 developers worked on this project for five years or more. That’s 25 man-decades, 2.5 man-centuries! COME ON! Three guys could have done this in three months! My buddies and I used to joke that they had one developer per pixel and that each developer wrote the code for his pixel.”

Advertising Rendezvous services in Linux

rob flickenger proves once again that he is too cool for school. he’s whipped together a nifty-sounding streaming server and rendezvous services for his seattlewireless node:

“Wireless users at the cafe across the street (or anywhere within a block or so) can find my local services any time just by looking at available rendezvous sites. As if that weren’t enough, my streamer is even advertising itself as a DAAP stream, so iTunes 4 users can see that it’s available from inside iTunes itself.

slagging social software


takes a half-hearted

whack at social software

. although it’s not entirely coherent, it does get bonus points for
capturing the lack of consensus on what exactly social software


“Social software is the next big thing: everybody’s
talking about it. A lot of people are developing exciting new
programs to aid social interaction. Social software is being
massively overhyped. It’s just a sideshow run by a few geeks with a
tenuous grip on reality. Social software isn’t new: we’ve been
using it for decades. We already have email, Usenet newsgroups,
chatrooms, instant messaging, bulletin boards, multi-user games and
more. Social software isn’t a new technology at all, it just
reflects changes in society. Take your pick…”

beyond being a nifty umbrella to organize all
the things that prove that

“it’s the communication, stupid”

, i’m not sure how useful the phrase is. i hereby predict that it
will die the horrible that awaits every bit of buzzword bingo that means all things
to all people – meaninglessness.

salam pax is back

salam pax is back and as eloquent as ever:

“Things are looking kind of OK, these days. Life has a way of moving on. Your senses are numbed, things stop shocking you. If there is one thing you should believe in, it is that life will find a way to push on, humans are adaptable, that is the only way to explain how such a foolish species has kept itself on this planet without wiping itself out. Humans are very adaptable, physically and emotionally.”