the blognoise problem

while not really stating anything new, the timing of the latest orlowski piece on google fixing the “blognoise” problem is interesting because i’ve become increasingly aware of the once amusing and soon to aggravating problem:

“”They didn’t foresee a tightly-bound body of wirers,” reckons Stock. “They presumed that technicians at USC would link to the best papers from MIT, to the best local sites from a land trust or a river study – rather than a clique, a small group of people writing about each other constantly. They obviously bump the rankings system in a way for which it wasn’t prepared.””

what’s wierder is that i’ve been finding myself quiet regularly in the top 20 of searches that i’m doing. i hardly think anyone looking for real information is amused. i think they should sequester blogs off into their own little space not unlike they did with usenet. why this would be controversial to anyone is beyond me. this is exactly why technorati is so useful.

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