Tag Archives: intelligence

wongblog: why smart people are better off with fewer friends

i’m not sure how to square these findings with the fact that i’ve long said that in a parallel universe very close to our own i live alone in cabin in the middle of nowhere writing manifestos: “The effect of population density on life satisfaction was therefore more than twice as large for low-IQ individuals than for high-IQ individuals,” they found. And “more intelligent individuals were actually less satisfied with life if they socialized with their friends more frequently.”

Humans not smarter than animals, just different

reinforcing research which concluded we have grossly underestimated both the scope and the scale of animal intelligence and dogs are as conscious as human children, australian professors echo the theory of multiple intelligences and report that humans are not smarter than animals, just different. indeed new reptilian research suggests that “… “intelligence” may be more widely distributed through the animal kingdom than had been imagined…” and even the lowly insects can can learn to recognize human faces.

Brain scans show that dogs are as conscious as human children

previous research has indicated we have grossly underestimated both the scope and the scale of animal intelligence so i suppose it should come as no surprise ( and certainly no surprise to “dog people” ) that brain scans show that dogs are as conscious as human children. original article, “dogs are people, too”. no word on cats but i’m not holding my breath there’s intelligent life to be found in the cat world ( i jest! ).

“we have grossly underestimated both the scope and the scale of animal intelligence.”

new research reported in the wall street journal of all places finds that “…we have grossly underestimated both the scope and the scale of animal intelligence” which isn’t all the surprising since we’ve been historically testing and judging them according to a human-centric view of IQ. things are only going to get more interesting as we learn the accents and regional dialects of sperm whales and learn to speak dolphin and translate with them in real time and study the crow’s theory of mind as we understand their human-like ( and perhaps more interestingly not human-like ) intelligence. and maybe someday we’ll be ready to understand what plants are talking about.