Tag Archives: goats

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my!

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my! I.

some years you get great weather when you visit the local pumpkin patch and some years, not so much!

and this year instead of grandparents, we brought frida so instead of tromping around the pumpkin patch together in between rain showers i took one for the team and wandered around the farm while kris and odin got wet and picked pumpkins 🙂

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my! II.

i briefly thought the bigger pig might be grumpy but it was all good.

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my! III.

the goats were all “HEY! COME BACK! I THINK WE CAN HAVE FUN!”

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my! IV.

the rabbits were all “nope. nope. nope.” frida really, really wanted them to make a run for it 🙂

a dreary day at the pumpkin patch with frida and pigs and goats and rabbits, oh my! V.

MOAR PIGGIES! i think frida was not so happy that i wouldn’t let her get in the pen and slog around in the mug.

i planned on getting a bunch more pictures of odin and actual pumpkins and such but it started raining so frida and i made a break for the car. hi. ho. next year!

i’m bummed i didn’t get any pictures of our first flock of chickens who are now living out their years running around the pumpkin patch.