Tag Archives: day2355 ericiv odin recipe food kale chips

day 2355: makin’ baked kale chips.

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. I.

kale! who doesn’t love it? we eat a lot of the humble vegetable around these parts, most often paired with beans and rice andwe’re always looking for a new uses since you really can’t go wrong eating more a food that’s chock full of full vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, calcium, manganese and all manner of other goodness ( apparently others are noticing and it’s making a comeback as a trendy superfood ).

given our kale consumption it’s a little surprising that we’ve never made baked kale chips given that it’s a simple enough recipe – take some kale, cut it up, give it a light coating of oil and bake in a 375F oven for 20 minutes or so until crisp.

first things first. carefully separate the leafy parts of the kale from the tougher spiny parts.

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. II.

then you break the leafs up into something more appropriately chip-sized.

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. III.

add enough olive oil to lightly coat the kale.

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. IV.

mix well and try not flip too much on the floor 🙂

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. V.

place on a baking sheet lined it with parchment paper. maybe you could skip the parchment. who knows. be adventurous.

put in an oven pre-heated to 375°F.

day 2355: makin' baked kale chips. VI.

bake for around 20 minutes or so until crisp. season with a bit of salt or other favorite seasoning ( i used a locally produced cajun-style seasoning for this batch ).

enjoy the on-the-go superfood.