odin and his cousins had the extra-special treat of getting to see the high strung at their only stop in wisconsin on their first-ever national rock & roll Library tour! i suppose it’s fitting in a way that the band whose debut record was named the top 10 rock records of 2003 by npr’s ken tucker should be touring libraries. and you know they are public radio rock stars because they have their very own segment about the tour on this american life.
a good time was had by all and we got to meet a bunch of new people from our new town with toddlers which made it all the more fun. on a side note, very few people in viroqua know my secret identity as the chronicler of odin’s adventures and i haven’t figured out a way to nonchalantly ask if it’s o.k. to post pictures of people we meet. even i think i sounds a bit creepy. just imagine that there are lots and lots and lots of happy kids and parents standing and dancing behind me